Heaven's Child ≫ SPN

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[COMPLETE]Heaven's Knights are gone. Heaven's security is breached ‣‣‣ The Angels are left wondering, clueless and graceless. ‣‣‣ Down on Earth, Sam Winchester failed to complete the trials and is dying as a result of attempting them in the first place. ‣‣‣ Underneath it all, Hell is in a schism between the Tyrant and the Salesman. ‣‣‣ Heaven's Child is unaware of her fate as a nuclear weapon for a cosmic war. ‣‣‣ Hell's Child has been preparing his entire life for the moment he is released from hell. ‣‣‣ Eliza had a normal, hunt a vampire twice a week kind of life until she suddenly possesses great, terrible power. She is ambushed by some hunters because of the powers she has. Narrowly escaping death, Eliza becomes determined to find out what she had turned into. It was all bad luck until she discovers a legend called The Men of Letters who supposedly, knew everything about anything supernatural. ‣‣‣ Eliza sets out to find Sam and Dean; but not only does she get the answers she needs, but the two broken men, the screwed up prophet, and the angel with clipped wings soon become the family she never dreamed of having. ‣‣‣ Although supposedly she is meant to be very powerful, Eliza begins to realize she is not at all fit to make the sacrifices a Child must make. ‣‣‣ Will Eliza submit to her fate, or join the rebels of Team Free Will?

This story can be found here!  @khalboyking

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