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Dean Winchester drops, weightless and weighted down at the same time, screaming silently. All he wants is for the constant helpless feeling of falling to finally end. And for him, the only way that can happen is to c r a s h l a n d No one can reach out a helping hand, not one person tries to save him. Nobody has any idea about the boy plummeting towards the ground... *** Castiel Novak was born with a gift, a curse and a secret all wrapped up into one: he can only see by the light that is projected by one's soul. But his own soul is dimming and he knows that soon there will be no light left for him at all. ***What will happen when Castiel Novak, the boy with the dulling soul, crosses paths with Dean Winchester, a boy that fades as he falls?What will happen when Dean Winchester continues his descent unbeknownst to everyone... except Castiel Novak?

This story can be found here! @GracefulSouffle

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