Breaking Through (A Supernatural Fanfiction)

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(Set in Season 5)

""Guess who else just escaped Hell thanks to your brother?" Bobby replied. Dean glanced back over at Libby with wide eyes. This time her eyes widened. "I'm not him, I swear!" she shrieked. "I'm not Lucifer, I'm just his daughter."" ------------------------------ The Apocalypse is among the Winchesters and the world, putting everything they've ever known at risk. But when one girl seems to crawl out of Hell alongside Lucifer, the boys find out things that no one has ever known. After killing Lilith, Lucifer was set free, able to roam Earth like any another angel or demon. A girl came with him, one that was never mentioned in any piece of literature or lore, including the Bible itself. Elizabeth, better known as Libby, was sent to Hell just eighteen years after humanity first walked the Earth. She was believed a liability and a soldier. Her job was to keep Lucifer in check and in Hell, no one being able to pull either of them out. Despite the past of her family and being trapped in Hell for millenniums, she managed to stay pure. That is until she finds herself crawling out of the ground thousands of years later. Released from Hell alongside Lucifer, Libby went on a search for the man who had let her out; Sam Winchester. Libby's the first person that everyone should trust, but she's found that it's harder to prove herself after the stunts her father had pulled throughout the history of the universe. With angels and demons on her ass, Libby finds an alliance in Sam and Dean. The daughter of the devil has to have some friends, right?

This book can be found here! @musicdreams31

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