Queen of Darkness or Mother Saviour (SNP FIC)

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A SPN fanficIsabelle's older sister was killed by a vampire when she was 4 and her sister was 10. Isabelle's parents took up hunting as they learned the truth about what is out there. They killed the vampire couple when Isabelle was 18. They vampire couple insists they were lead to Madelaine by a demon. They began hunting it until they were killed by it 3 years later. Being raised in the life and wanting revenge Isabelle kept hunting on her own. Isabelle first meets Dean and Sam 6 years later. She is hardend after a life hunting mostly on her own. Like Sam and Dean she too has lost a lot of people she cared about along the way and therefor she has trouble letting people in. She meets the boys closing in on a shapeshifter. They helped each other out and when she is hurt the boys bring her back to the bunker.Later Cas tells the boys a story about the demon Asmodeus. The half demon half angel. His father is Naamah (angel of prostitution) and his mother is Lilith. He has been hiding since he was one of the few demons working against the rise of Lucifer as it would mean the death of his mother but also because he wanted to rule the underworld and earth as one himself. He raises as he takes a earthly wife as his queen and ruler. A few with celestial blood. A possible vessel. The queen is rumored to be a girl that seed the blood of her family before her fifth birthday. A girl that holds the potential for great evil or immense goodness. She is said to mother the child that will end the world bringing heaven down with it or the child that will save the world restoring order and freeing the world of demons.

This story can be found here! @GirlieStarFish

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