Chapter One: Before

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One month till 21st birthday

I watch as the palm trees sway in the cool breeze, bringing with it the salty scent from the sea. Closing my eyes, I inhale the calming smell. When I exhale, I feel so relaxed and at peace.


I jump and snapping my eyes open, I whirl around to face the person that screeched my name like a Banshee.

When I do, I find myself staring up into dark blue eyes that are eerily similar to the deepest and darkest depths of the ocean.

Well there goes my peace.

"Yes Nerissa", I say in a sweet voice, along with probably the fakest smile that has ever graced my lips.

"I know it may be a hard thing to ask of you, because of your small brain and short intention span, but could you stop day dreaming and finish setting up the decorations I gave you. Everything, and I mean, everything must be perfect for tonight. And the likes of you will not ruin it. Got it?" She started her speech off in a normal tone but ended it on a hiss.

"Of course, Queen Nerissa", I replied sarcastically in a posh voice. "My apologies".

"Good", she sneered, showing off her flawless straight white teeth, ignoring my obvious sarcasm. She then straightens her posture before flicking her long wavy, golden blonde hair over her shoulders. Spinning on the heel of her flats, making her folded grey feathered wings with specks of white sway to the side with the force, and then marched away, quite like a soldier on a mission would instead of a Siren setting up her birthday party.

"Sea witch", I mutter under my breath, turning around to finish my task before Nerissa kills me and dumps my body into the ocean for the sea monsters to feast on.

I hear a familiar chuckle as my oldest and my only best friend on the whole entire island of Sirenuse, appears by my side. I turn my head to the right and take in my best friend's usual attire.

Today he is wearing black knee high shorts with a white sleeveless shirt that shows off his lean waist and tan muscular arms, making them appear bigger than they actually are. Proteus Odele towers over me at 6ft 2, when I'm only an average 5ft 7, which means I have to strain my neck to look up into his emerald green eyes that are currently shining with amusement.

"You know she probably heard you", he so helpfully points out as he leans his shoulder against the nearest tree, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah I know", I reply nonchalantly, not caring if she heard me or not as I continue setting up the table decorations for tonight's celebration. Our kind's senses are fair stronger than humans after all, especially our sight, smell and hearing.

"Lia, Lia. I thought I taught you better than that", Proteus tsks, shaking his head side to side in mock disappointment, making his slightly curled, light brown hair brush over his exposed shoulders. "If you're going to say something that she can hear, make it better then 'sea witch' ", he finishes with his trademark goofy grin.

Quirking my brow, "You think you can do better T?" I ask with a challenging smile.

"Of course", he scoffs, "Let's see... You could've called her a 'fishwife', a 'Harpy', a 'sea ogress', a 'sea wench' or just a plain old fashion 'sea bitch', just to name a few", he smiles smugly at me, looking utterly proud of himself.

Laughing, I shake my head at the ridiculous names he came up with.

"What's a 'fishwife'?" I ask, scrunching up my face and looking at T in confusion.

A Siren's Choice (Book One in A Siren's Series)Where stories live. Discover now