Showcase Vs Ideas

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Unnaturally faithful Wattpad followers welcome to Future Story Ideas where this is not really a story idea but more of a regular idea that I want your opinion on. 

Stay with me guys.

Alright, the big idea is this; moving from Future Story Ideas to... Showcases!

*Imaginary "Oohs!" and "Ahhs!"

Thank you, honestly, you can stop cheering now.

So the brilliance of the Showcase is exactly what it sounds like: I present a short story ranging from one to three chapters from my "Story Ideas" in which I present the main character or an important theme of the novel which gives a brief insight into the idea, something light but deeper than a simple summary. 

It'll also keep me encouraged to write, and help me practice, though who needs practice right?


Okay, I get it. It's why I'm doing this anyway so stop throwing me those soul-crushing looks... Anyway, what do you guys think of it? Let me know!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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