The Date

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I actually slept last night instead of seeing Tobias. It's starting to freak me out though, I see him every night for 3 month and then just stop, it's strange. I don't pester on it for too long though. 

As I lay down in bed in the dark my door creaks open. It's 10 am and my black out curtains are closed. I could have slept longer but something told me to wake up. I just lay there, my limbs unmoving. I feel pressure on my bed right by my shoulder. My mother is at work and so is my dad. No one else is here. Only one other person knows how to get into our house, Jason. I smile and turn to face the wall pulling the covers over my head. "I'm sleeping." I grumble. The light turns on and I hear my closet open. The hangers shuffle and then the door closes. I feel the blanket fly off of me and hands by my knees and neck. I'm being lifted up when I finally turn to look at Jason. He smirks. "Oh thank you, my prince, for waking me up from my deep sleep." I say sarcastically. "No problem. That's what prince charming is for." he replies. He carries me all the way down to his pool not putting me down, even with all my efforts. He sits me on a chair and throws my bathing suit at me. "You brought the bikini, really? You couldn't bring the one piece?" I say. "Go get changed princess." He says. I walk into his house and find my way to the bath room. I get changed and walk outside. I run and jump into the pool splashing Jason. He goes to the edge and drives in. I feel a tug on my leg and go under. I come up in Jason's arms. I am so happy... until I remember Deedee. I push him away and go under water. I stay under until I can't hold my breath anymore. I try to push my self up but its not working. Its like I'm stuck. I'm losing my breath when Jason comes down and pulls me up. "What the he..." he gets cut short. I kissed him. "I've been waiting for this for a long time, Jason." I whisper in his ear. I kiss him again and this time he kisses back. I finally push him under the water, when he comes up he splashes me in the face. We stay and have a splash fight until he stops splashing. Actually, I don't see him anymore. Quickly, I feel arms wrap themselves around my waist and throw me. 

After a long time of swimming in the water we get out for lunch. "Do you want to stay here or go out?" he asks. I tell him I'm fine with what ever he wants. "Okay, then we will go to Mirrors for lunch. Go get ready." he tells me. I walk over to my house as he walks into his. I quickly throw on a tee shirt and some shorts and rush out. When I get to his living room I put my hair up in a messy bun. He walks down the stairs, "You ready to go?" he asks. I nod and we head to his car.

At Mirror's we get a booth and start to talk. The waitress comes up and takes our orders. Me being me I order a burger and fries, while Jason chooses something more healthy. When our food comes my first remark to his is "lame dude. Don't want to be you." He laughs. We sit, talk and eat for a long time. The sun starts to go down so we get the check. We get in the car and drive home. 

Before we get out I had to say something. "This was the best day ever, Jason. I loved our date." I say excitedly. "Yeah! I would really like to do something like this again." he said eagerly. "I'm gonna be doing foot ball stuff tomorrow, so I'll see you Monday. Do you want a ride to school?" he asks. I nod and kiss him good bye. This will not be my last kiss to him! I will kiss him Monday morning, then at lunch... My thoughts trail off. 

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