Chapter 16

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After everyone was cleaned up I asked Demetrius if he would like to go to the park with us. The kids would be playing on the big toy and swings that way I can talk to him about the phone calls and texts. I've been putting them off long enough and the sooner I tell him the safer it'll be. I haven't even told Jake and Dylan about them because I don't want them to worry but it's getting to where the texts are threatening everyone I care about. So it's time I tell him everything. I'm scared he will think I have to much baggage plus the threats and will just leave.....he said he would go but that he had to stop by the club for a little bit. I don't know how to tell him so I'm going to show him the texts and just let it go from there.
After I finished with the club for the day I went home, showered and changed to something clean. I then headed to Pick up Tracy and the kids at Jake and Dylan's.

We got to the park and let the kids out to play. Tracy and I went over to a bench to sit. "I umm I need to tell you something" Tracy says. I move so I can see her better and nod my head. "Well here goes nothing. I've been getting calls that I just hear breathing and no one talks after about a minute they hang up, and also someone has been texting me and threatening me. I know I should have said something earlier but I just didn't really know how or where to. I thought I should just do it and get it over with and now I'm rambling." She tells me and then gives a sheepish look. "Sweetheart as long as you told me before anything seriously bad has happened to you or those kids it's ok, I'm not mad because you have told me and I can figure out a way to protect you and keep you safe. Do you still have the texts and numbers?" After that we watched the kids and talked about a plan to keep them safe. I decided the safest place right now for them would be my place. She's gonna move in with others week, I just need to clean out the guest bedrooms and we should be good. (I'm also gonna decorate the munchkins bedrooms but it's gonna be a surprise) I think to myself with a small smile.

Here you go! She told him too.
Ok so the reason for this little bottom note is that I've decided I'm gonna try to do a short's gonna be about a girl and a dragon! Or at least I hope it goes that way, it could also end up becoming longer than a few chapters it just depends on how it all pans out. I've started a rough draft for the first chapter! So that'll be up hopefully soon, and it'll be called A Dragons Heart the title may change though but my pandas I hope you like it!!!!

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