author note

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So I just got my first criticism I guess. I enjoyed it but it could have been worded a little nicer. I know this isn't really the best story and you're entitled to your own opinion but please if you hate it don't be rude. I'm really trying and I love writing it gives me an outlet and a stress relief, and i plan to edit in the future when I've finished the story. Sure I don't get to update or write very often but I have school, and I'm looking for colleges deciding if I want online or go to campus. It's stressful plus family issues. Long story short if you're just going to be rude and excuse my language here a bitch. Well son of a nutcracker it looks like the world doesn't revolve around just you. Ummm I guess what I was trying to say and got carried away on a rant was that please try and word it a little nicer not something like telling me you don't want to read it. Just stop reading if you want to. I don't have to know if you do. I get it I have books that I don't like too.

Ok so I think my little rant is over. I've just had a bad 4 day weekend with my mom, my depression and anxiety has also come back full swing and I guess the rudeness of a comment set me off I am so sorry if I have offended or made any of you mad. *gets depressed and hides under blanket sniffing* I hate being mean or rude to others just ask shypeoplerule we've been friends since I was a freashman. Well umm bye my pandas please don't be mad at me, I'm sorry............

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