Chapter 23

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Seyr let out a heavy sigh, ignoring the emptiness of in her gut. Three weeks, she had been trapped in a cage barely big enough for her to lift her head. She had no idea where Zephrine was, or what Vana wanted with her.

"Aren't you a beauty?" Fulke ran his hand along Seyr's snout.

"I'd be even more beautiful if I was let out of this cage and fed. Can you do that?" Seyr was too tired to snap at Fulke, and resorted to sarcasm, even though no one was able to hear it.

"Would you like some food?"

"Would I ever. You're not going to give it to me, though, are you?"

"Do you like lamb?"

"Bit stringy for my taste, but at this point, I'll take anything."

"If I let you poke your head out, promise you won't eat me?"

"You'll taste like deceit and ulterior motive, and that gives me heartburn."

"You can blink for yes."

Seyr rolled her eyes internally, but did as she was told.

"You can understand me?"

"No! Here I was just having a conversation with myself! Of course, I can understand you, you dimwit excuse for a noble!"

"Remarkable!" Fulke exclaimed, swing open the cage door, allowing Seyr to barely stick get her neck out. "Don't try to escape, I need you here."

"Sure you do, you greasy-haired son of a bitch. Ever heard of soap? It's a wonderful invention that-" Seyr was silenced by the biggest pile of lamb she had ever seen. It was as tall almost as tall as Fulke, and as wide as Seyr's whole head. It took all of her willpower not to immediately dig in.

"Not yet, love. I've a little game for us. I ask a question, you blink if the answer is yes, flick your tail if it's no. Try to say no as little as possible. Understand?" Fulke sticks sword into the fire.

She blinked. Fulke tossed her a sheep leg.

"First question. Do you know where your Singer is?"

Tail flick. No lamb.

"That's a shame." Fulke took out the sword. "I really didn't want to do this." He stuck it into Seyr's open wing. Her cry shook the trees around her.

"Next question."

This went on for some time, and when Fulke was satisfied, the responses tallied up to ten blinks and eighteen tail flicks.

"It's a shame, really, you can't answer these questions. It really makes you think, can you really not answer, or do you just not want to answer?"

"Answer to my bite, bitch." Seyr attempted to snap at Fulke, who jumped out of the way just in time.

"Now, now. We mustn't misbehave too much. You need to be alive when your Singer arrives." Fulke stuck the white-hot sword back into Seyr's wing.

Seyr stopped trying to fight him after he mentioned Zephrine. "Oh, Zeph, whatever you do, don't come here for me." She whispered, praying that Fulke was only bluffing.


A/N: WHOOOOOO BOOK 2 IS DONE. I'd like to thank pristine_trash and SarahGuyer for being my personal hype men, and commenting on everything, those comments are gold, guys. Also I'd like to thank them for helping me choose where this series is going, so get ready for book three!!

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