Chapter 20

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A/N: Thanks again to the wonderful pristine_trash for these amazing drawings of Vana (first one) and Zeph (second one). They're so beautiful, and I can't thank her enough for them.

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"Vana!" Fulke spread his arms wide

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"Vana!" Fulke spread his arms wide. He embraced the neighboring queen. "It's been awhile. What brings you to this neck of the woods?"

"I don't have time for idle chatter, Fulke. I've come with a little offer for you. Over lunch, perhaps?" Vana pushed her hair back out of her face.

"Of course, whatever you'd like." Fulke nodded. "I'll go notify the cooks."

"Please." Vana smiled, and held that smile until Fulke rounded the corner. Then she turned to Amharic. "Go make sure that stupid dragon is still alive, we need it for leverage. On both sides."

"Yes, my Lady." Amharic bowed his head and scurried away.

This is going to be fun, Vana thought as she straightened her corset.

"So, again, Vana, what can I do for you?" Fulke sat across from Vana.

"You're still a collector, aren't you?" Vana picked at the bread of her sandwich.

"Oh, yes, I love rare items." Fulke nodded enthusiastically. "Why do you ask?"

"I have an item for you. It's actually more of a pair of items. A dragon and its Singer."

"What's the catch?" Fulke licked his lips, clearly interested.

"None, really. You just need to bring the Singer to yourself. Even better, I'm allowing you to do whatever you wish with the Singer, Zephrine. Kill her, force her to marry you, I really don't care."

"What's in it for you? You've never been the type to be so generous."

"I'll be rid of Zephrine, and most likely Xavier. It's a reward in and of itself. And if you need some more reassurance, I have an inside eye in Viâna. He's gaining the trust of the Zephrine's family as we speak, she'll be here."

Fulke hesitated for a second. "Deal. I'll take the dragon. But are you sure this spy of yours know what he's doing?"

"Relax, Fulke. I've fed Rosario his lines, I've every bit of confidence he'll deliver." Vana leaned back, taking a long sip of her wine. "Then Zephrine will be all yours. Isn't that exciting?"

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