Chapter 14

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Caius sat in the square, leaning against a pillar, playing with his scarf. Though the sun shone bright, he was still filled with guilt. He had stolen the vials in hopes of keeping Zephrine safe, and now he didn't know if she was even alive. He was back to that sinking guy feeling he had two weeks ago, before Zephrine even set foot in the castle. He was just so sick of losing his siblings, just as he finally got the whole family together.

He finally stood, making his way into the citadel. With the Quillsnakes gone, Caius had really nothing to do except work for Rhys. He technically still worked in the castle, he just spent most of his time away from it.

"Who do you think you are, boy?" Around the corner, Caius heard a thud and a gruff voice. He peeked over to see two very large men, who both seemed to be twice Caius's size, kicking another man to the ground.

"I'm sorry! Just let me go!" The man on the ground spit out blood, reaching for a bag, which had been thrown a few feet from Caius.

Caius scooped up the bag. "What's going on?"

"Little punk here was asking for the Dragon Singer." The biggest man, Caius decided his name was Ugly, laughed as he landed another kick to the man's gut. "He's Physian, no doubt."

"And that means you get to beat this poor man to a pulp?" Caius jumped in front of Ugly and the other thug, which he named Smelly, shielding the man on the ground. "I hardly think that's a justifiable reason."

"You watch your mouth, kid, or you'll be joining the punk." Smelly grunted.

"I can't let you hurt this man."

Ugly puffed out his chest, no doubt asserting dominance, but Smelly stopped him. "We can't touch them now, there's witnesses." He gestured to the crowd that had gathered around the four men.

"It's been fun meeting you two, it really has, but I'm just going to leave." Caius helped the man to his feet. "Can you walk?"

"Yes. Can I have my bag back now?" The man held out his hand.

"Oh, of course."

"Thanks for jumping in, I guess." The man rubbed the back of his neck, clutching his gut with the hand that now held his bag.

"Let me take you to the physician."

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm really just looking for the Dragon Singer. You gonna beat me up for asking like those guys?"

"I'm not going to beat you up. You know, I would take you to her, but I don't know where she is. She's missing, just like the king."

"Well, I guess my journey was a waste. You know what, yeah, I'll let you take me to the physician."

Later on in the day, after Caius left the man to Rhys, he was strolling through the woods, crossbow in hand, searching for any deer Seyr hadn't cleared out. He hadn't seen Seyr in a while, he assumed she had taken off to find Zephrine. He shrugged, aiming his crossbow at a sizable elk. Just as the elk fell, arrow in its eye, Caius heard a voice.

"Nice shot. I definitely couldn't have gotten that." It was the man from earlier.

"Oh, thanks, I guess." Caius shrugged, walking toward the elk and pulling out the arrow. "While you're here, mind giving me a hand? Elks are heavy."

"Yeah." The man grabbed the elk's back legs and Caius, her front, and together, they dragged the animal out of the trees.

"Wait." The man stopped near a rose bush just outside the back kitchen door, plucking a flower. "For you."

"I don't know whether to be flattered that you think I'm worthy of a rose, or to be insulted that you think I'm a maiden." Caius smiled at the man.

"I know you're not a maiden."

"Really? Because I bought this shirt yesterday, and I wasn't sure if it made me look feminine or-"

"You're adorable." The man stuck the rose behind Caius's left ear, covering the stem with his hair. "I'm Rosario."

"I'm... Caius."

"Well, Caius, If you wish to find me again, I shall be in the tavern tonight, drinking mead, and waiting for my prince to come." Rosario winked, dropping the elk and walking away.

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