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Sam's POV

With the sound of a horn going off from the topic of the Polis tower. The battle had started. The 13 clans would fight and only one would survive. The person how survives will be victorious and their clan will win the bunker. There's only one problem...Luna is fighting. However, since there is no one in her clan left to fight for, she will be fighting for death. If she wins, no one gets the bunker.

Indra' daughter, along with a man, walked in from outside where we were gathered, waiting to hear any news. She looked upset as she spoke, trying to keep the tears in. "The first two champions have fallen. Gael kom ingrandronakru. Your fight is over." Everyone from the calm let out a sad sigh as their flame was extinguished.

The man started to walk towards the back, where we were. Bellamy shook his head as my heart pounded in my chest. "Please don't be her." Bellamy mumbled to himself. I gently grabbed his hand and gave it a small squeeze.

"Fio kom Trikru..your fight is over"

Bellamy let out a breath as they returned to their positions outside.

"Octavia's still out there." My dad said, looking on the bright side of things, but I could tell he was devastated for Indra.

"Couldn't tell her I loved her, even with the world ending." Bellamy said, sadly while he looked at the candle.

"She knows." I whispered, attempting to comfort him. Bellamy nodded and pulled me closer to his side.


Bellamy and my dad quickly entered the throne room once again, after looking outside at the others. Bellamy stopped and looked around, when he noticed something he whispered to my dad and walked out the door. I followed him and my dad followed me.

"Bellamy!" I shouted making him stop. "What's going on."

"Echo is cheating, and I'm gonna stop her." Bellamy said quickly.

I grew angry while my dad tried to calm him down. "You don't even know it's her. It could be anyone down there."

"We both know who it is."

My dad grabbed Bellamy's sleeve and pulled him back. "Then one of Gaia's scouts will find her, and Ice Nation will be punished."

"They'll never caught her." I pointed out. My dad and Bellamy both looked to me. "She's a spy, she's good at hiding. This is what she does. Either way, if Bellamy gets caught or Echo kills Octavia, we die." I turned my full attention to Bellamy. "Wait until dark, walk around the battlefield, not through it, and don't get caught."

Bellamy nodded and quickly leaned over to kiss my cheek before leaving.

"You really think that was a smart decision." My Dad questioned, still facing the direction Bellamy went. 

"I don't know what to think anymore."

Hey guys. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed.

Love ya😘

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