Athena Grace Blake

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Sam's POV

I felt so happy holding my little baby girl in my hands. Athena Grace Blake. I wish Bellamy would've been here for the birth, but I can't wait for him to meet her.

Clark came back in with a cup of water and the guy that helped me came in with a bowl of water. Clark nodded at the guy to set it down on the table before he left.

Clark held the cup of water to my lips and helped me drink it.

"How's it going?" I questioned Clark.

"How do you think?" Clark said, dipping a piece of cloth in water. She walked back over to us and began to clean Athena with the rag.

"So, not good then?"

Clark and I laughed as she shook her head. "There's too many people, not everyone is working, Jasper has gone completely overboard."

"Hey," I grabbed Clark's hand. "we'll figure something out. We always do."

Clark smiled and set down the rag. "I should go check on everything and you two should get some rest."

I nodded and watched Clark walk out of the room before turning back to Athena.


It was a few hours before Bellamy and the others returned. Clark helped me walk out so I could greet them, Athena in my hands.

We stopped when Clark recognized one of the people climbing out of the Rover. They hugged before he walked away again.

"Where is it?" Raven questioned looking in the back for the machine.

"We didn't get the machine." Bellamy said sadly.

Clark gave a confused look. "It didn't survive landing?"

"No it did. But I had a choice: bring the machine home or use it to save them."

"We are so screwed." Raven sighed.

"We have time, but I am not sacrificing any more innocent lives."

"You just did." Clark whispered.

"I made the call and I'll live with that."

Raven rolled her eyes. "Yeah, you're not the only one who has to live with your call, as usual."

"Go tell them. Go tell Riley I should've left them to die."

"Ok." I stepped in between the two. "How many of us will the ship sustain without a hydro-generator?"

Raven shook her head. "No more than 100."

Clark sighed and looked over to the crowd. "What am I suppose to tell the people now?"

"The truth. Crowdsource it like we talked about."

Clark nodded. "Call for a general meeting."

Clark and Raven walked off leaving just Bellamy and I.

"Are you mad that I didn't get it too?" Bellamy questioned me.

"No. I think you made the right call."

Bellamy nodded and looked at the little blanket  covering Athena in my hands. "I missed a lot, didn't I?"

I laughed a little and brought the blanket away from her face, so Bellamy could see her. Bellamy smiled and rubbed a finger against her cheek. "Did you name her yet?"

"Yeah, Athena Grace Blake. Do you like it?"

"It's perfect."

Hey guys. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed.

Love ya😘

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