Classes. Great. //Chapter 12

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Pomona gasped.

"But, Neville fixed it!" I reassured her.

"I thought you and Persephone were on good terms now."

That was true. Seph became like a mother to me after she realized that I had barely any family or people who I trusted.

"Yeah, Seph and I are on good terms, but your mother still hates me." I explained.

"Alright, you can take a free period this period for the rest of the year. I will inform Professor Dumbledore of what has happened." Pomona reluctantly agreed.

"Thanks Pomona!" I rushed out of the greenhouse and went to the common room.


Minerva was teaching us how to transform people into flowers. I shuddered. Not my favorite subject. I went up to Minerva and asked her if I could be excused. Minerva almost made a fool of me in front of the class before I whispered to her in Ancient Greek why I wanted to be excused. She paled and quickly agreed, so I went to the common rooms to wait until lunch.



After lunch, it was time for Divination. Yay. More prophecies and schist.

"Hey, don't be nervous. The teacher is a total fraud." Hermione told me.

"Yeah, she makes these false predictions and has you drink tea and read the leaves." Luna confirmed.

"She doesn't think the class is successful unless she predicts at least one students death." Neville finished.

We finally reached the top of the stupid ladder to get to class. I mean seriously, a ladder? You are making children climb a really tall ladder to get to class? What if someone fell off?

Anyways, the room had the feeling of an attic. The teacher looked off her rocker, with bugged eyes and crazy hair. We all took a seat and she started to move around the room, making "predictions".

"You shall die from a terrible illness." Professor Trewlaney, as I now knew her name, told Luna.
I had to hold in a laugh.

"You shall die from being poor." She told Draco.

"You will die from a plant." She told Neville.

Professor Trewlaney finally reached me.

"So much death surrounds you." She said, with a look of horror.

I heard my friends snicker around the room.

"You shall die at the hands of a ghost."
She predicted.

I snorted. Me, the Ghost King, die from a ghost? Unlikely. Also, remember that I'm immortal. So, no death for me.

"I see your friend, Percy, will die from drowning. And the girl Thalia will die from lightning. Jason will die from falling. Piper will not be persuasive enough. Frank will be killed by war. Annabeth will die from a battle strategy not being thought out. Hazel will be too poor to live. Leo, will die from fire. And Will, oh Will, he will die from being too hot. Oh, you and your friends are doomed!" She cried out.

The rest of my group were falling out of the chair laughing. I had a ghost of a smile on my face.

"'And Will, oh Will, he will die from being too hot.' Dam Nico, your boyfriend is too hot." Luna said and that made me chuckle.

The rest of the group had tears falling from their eyes they were laughing so hard.

Embarrassed, Professor Trewlaney dismissed class.

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