You're Wanted Too

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"BUT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVERRRRR.... NOTHING'S IN MY WAYYY!!!!" God I love Frozen... I did a final twirl around my apartment before landing on the couch. Im so weird... my phone suddenly buzzed and I opened it to find a text from Hunter.

From- Hunter

Hey babe! Get yourself ready, Im taking you out tonight, a cab will be there to pick you up at 6 ;)

I smiled. He was so sweet! I quick got myself ready and I finished just as the cab pulled up in front of the apartment building. I skipped out and into the cab, I watched as I was driven into the city like part of the town. Had a dressed well enough? The driver pulled up to a cute bistro... this is where I had my first date with him! I walked inside to a waitress.

"Excuse me? I'm meeting up here with my date?"

"Oh! You must be (y/n), follow me." she lead me to a empty table. "I'm afraid your date is using the restroom but he'll be back soon." she winked at me and left. I wonder what that was... soon the classical music that had been playing changed to an all to familiar piano instrumental. The beginning to Wanted! I smiled proud of Hunters fame.

"You'd know I'd fall apart without you. I don't know how you do what you do." it sounded so much like the live version, I was really enjoying this. "Cause everything that don't make sense about me, makes sense when I'm with you." I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned around to see Hunter with a microphone singing the lyrics to me. "And everything's that's green girl I need you, cause it's more than one and one makes two." it was so sweet! He grabbed my hand and kept singing. "Put aside the math and the logic, of it, you gotta know you're wanted, too." the music stopped and he set his mic on the ground. He then did the most unexpected thing. Still holding my hand, he knelt down on one knee and pulled out a black box. In it contained the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. It was tree simple silver bands braided together, with one diamond resting on top.

"(Y/n), please let me show you that you're wanted... will you marry me?" I nodded my head frantically.

"Yes!" everyone in the restaurant applauded and Hunter slips the run on my finger. I wrap him in the tightest hug known to man, and he whispers "I love you." in my ear.

Hunter Hayes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now