Ice Skating

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"How many times do I have to tell you?! I. CANNOT. SKATE!"

"Well too bad! You're trying!" my friend hung up and I groaned. This was going to be so embarrassing!

I laced up my skates, I had done this before, just not successfully. My friend guided me across the ice and but I still hung onto the wall for dear life.

"Oh come on! It's easy!" she spun in a little circle.

"Don't let go of me!" I squealed, freezing so I wouldn't fall. She laughed and glided away.

"You got this!" she called. Maybe I can do this... I watched other people for a bit before slowly trying to move. I flailed my arms in the air, I'm going to fall! I flipped backward, running into someone behind me.

"Oof! Sorry!" we both struggled up an I saw a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes before me.

"Having trouble?" he asked me.

"Uh I... Yeah." I stuttered.

"Here, I'll help you." he grabs my hand and butterflies whirl around in my stomach. He helps me up, and I almost fall down again.

"Push outwards like this." he demonstrates, I copy him and we slide around the rink. I'm skating! He notices I have the hang of it and begins to slowly let go of my hand. I grip it tighter.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind if you didn't let go." I blushed, he nodded and we just kept skating in circles. My friend eventually saw me and gave me a cheesy grin. After a bit, my hands started to get cold, and I guess so did his.

"Lets grab some hot chocolate." he suggested. He helps me onto the floor and we wobble over to the snack bar. We order out hot chocolates and a wrap my hands around my cup. The cup is warm and begins to slowly thaw my hands out. His face has a pink blush from entering the warm room, making me want to melt.

"Hey, I never got your name." he says, I take a sip of hot cocoa.


"That's a beautiful name." he smiles. "I'm Hunter."

Hunter Hayes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now