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His idea of making it to me included going to a movie date, just the two of us like the old times but I didn't count on it because deep in my heart I knew that as soon as he and Trina were ok he would forget about me all over again. Thundered roared and lighting raced across the horizon when memories of that movie date flooded my mind. I closed my eyes trying forget everything that happened.

"I'm sorry V I can't make it, Trina's parents are throwing a party and the gang are going, I promise next time." Devon said apologetically, I could hear Trina and his new set of friends (whom I have never met) he calls the gang calling him.

"It's ok I don't mind, enjoy." I told him, I already anticipated it, I wasn't a fool to trust him again. I learned my lesson already. He hung up after I said goodbye while I decided to just stay at home for now. I stayed in my room since it was hot out. I had my ac on at full blast while I read the Christian life guide book that my mom had bought for me. She was out doing the groceries so I was left to guard the house which was pretty hilarious for me since Springfield's crime rate was relatively low.

I was halfway through the book when I heard the cabinets opening so I was pretty sure my mom was home. I was also hungry so I went down to the kitchen. I made my way towards the kitchen with only one thought in mind and that was having some of the left over lasagna from last night.

"Mom did you buy me one of those boba milk tea I asked?" I said but I stopped in my place when I saw that it wasn't my mom in the kitchen but someone else. A man with his head covered in a black bonnet. The urge to scream didn't even reach my head because in an instant I felt a sharp pain in my chest which was followed by a sharper pain. I saw someone in black ran pass me straight to the hallway. My vision started to blur and my chest started to feel numb. I placed my hand on to my left chest where the pain felt the worst and immediately touched something wet. I heard the door opening and my mom shouting my name but my hearing started to fade. I heard my mom's scream louder this time.

"GENEVIEVE!!!!!!!!!! Oh God No!!" I felt her hands cradle my head before everything faded into nothing.

Everything still felt like a horrible nightmare. I remember coming home from Trina's party on board Jake's white convertible and seeing police cars and sirens gathered around our block. I made my way out of the car hurriedly in panic and raced towards my house. I felt relieved when I saw my parents standing on our front porch, I smiled seeing them safe. My smile faded as soon as I saw them crying. My line of thought was suddenly shattered when I heard Aunt Emily's anguished screams.

"No! My baby! Save my baby! No!" She cried with so much pain as one lone body was pulled out of the house by the police.

"I'm sorry Emily there is nothing we can do." I heard Chief Reynolds say. My eyes landed on the limp and lifeless hand dangling from the stretcher. Aunt Em's screams echoed into the setting sun as they carried the covered body away.

"No! Do something! No!!!!"She cried hugging the body covered in white cloth. The only thing that people who were there could do was watch her with pity and hopelessness.

"GENEVIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!" She cried one last time before Uncle Robert her husband arrived and supported her grieving form.

"Devon!" I heard my mother call me and I felt my dad's steady hand's supporting me. My feet felt weak and my eyes never left the lifeless body lying on the stretcher and the face of two agonized parents crying over it.

My dad supported me up and help me sit on the swing by the porch.

"Dad what's going on?" I asked still unable to tear my eyes from the scene just next to our house.

"Dev, Gen... she's gone." My dad told me as slowly as he could.

"Is this a joke? I...talked to her just two hours ago." I said not wanting to believe what I was hearing. How can she be gone? I just...

"A robber broke into their house thinking that no one was home when their family car left for the usual grocery shopping, but unfortunately Genevieve didn't go with Emily this time. She encountered the robber in their kitchen and he shot her fatally in the chest two times. Emily had just arrived in the driveway when the robber ran out of the house. She almost ran him over with her car." My dad tried to explain but the words seemed to be foreign to me.

"She lost too much blood and the bullet had punctured her aorta. The ambulance wasn't able to arrive fast enough. She died just minutes after the gunshots."

Tears began to fill my eyes again as soon as I remember her death. She wasn't supposed to die like that! She had a whole life ahead of her! She was going to Yale!!! I grabbed a fistful of my hair and began to slam my head against the side of my bed. If only I had made due with my promise, if only I took her out for a movie just like I said I would. She wouldn't be in that house when that m*****@#@#*** robber broke into it.

If only I wasn't so blind, if only I had known how much she loved me. The tears began to fall from my eyes again like waterfalls. The night of her wake Aunt Emily handed me a box of her belongings, memories of us since we were just toddlers learning to walk. I opened it in inside her purple colored room.

I couldn't control my emotions as soon as my eyes scanned each photograph of us that V kept. All our hopes and dreams that I had forgotten just because of a girl that I thought was the one. I lifted a drawing I remember we had made and felt my chest tighten. It was the dream house we both drew. She had kept it safe and even put it in a frame. As I look through each memorabilia my hand came in contact with a red envelop with my name written on it at the back. I opened it and began to read. With each word written on the rose scented stationary, my right hand which held the letter began to shake. My left hand curling into a tight fist until my knuckles turned white. After finishing the letter I felt as if my vision started to darken. I made my way out of the house hurriedly trying to get as far away from everyone else as fast as possible. When I was out of eyesight and into the cold pavement I raised my hand and hit the stone cold asphalt with all the strength I had. I screamed from the top of my lungs until my mouth tasted to of blood and until my knuckles were bruised and bleeding. No amount of tears could make up from my stupidity and no amount of anger or grief could ever bring her back...


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