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"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. 5 Love is not rude, is not selfish, and does not get upset with others. Love does not count up wrongs that have been done. 6 Love takes no pleasure in evil but rejoices over the truth. 7 Love patiently accepts all things. It always trusts, always hopes, and always endures".

1 Corinthians 13: 4-6

The sky was clear tonight, very different from yesterday. There's not a cloud to be seen and the moon was bright and mysterious but that's not what captured my attention, the stars did. They look like a billion fireflies trapped in space in a different array of colors sparkling in the night sky. I reached out my hand like I usually do and pretended to touch them as if by a miracle, their rays would reach me and give me strength. I knew that a million or even billions of miles away these smalls stars where actually massive balls of fire emitting intense heat. It was heat bright enough to reach a planet like ours.

The wind blew against me and I pulled my legs closer to my chest and rested my chin on my knees just staring out into the moonlit night from the roof of our back porch. Our back porch was located just below my room with its roof easily accessible through my windows. This was my usual hangout every day after school just as soon as the sun set I would climb out of my bedroom window and sit on the roof with my checkered blanket wrapped around me and a book in hand. Tonight I had no blanket around me the night air didn't feel cold like it used to.

My eyes continued to take in the scenery of the surrounding I grew up in, mom's yellow Soleil d'Or and red Bordeaux rose bushes grew next to our wooden white fence along with her plethora of other smaller sized flowers. Her garden was always immaculate like one of those high priced garden parks they have in the old towns of Europe. Beside the rose bushes grew our family's oak tree, my great grandfather planted it before the depression now it stood near the house like an old baron looming over its subjects. My dad usually spends his afternoons reading company reports under the oak's shade while my mom would sit by the porch swing drinking her ginger tea. Our garden was usually serene, within its tucked fences lined with roses only the hum of the birds feeding off the bird feeder could be heard. Occasionally the sound of cars passing by would disturb this peace inside our backyard since the road, heading to the beach, was just behind it.

My gaze fell on the small pond that my dad made just a few years ago, the waters reflected the brick walls of our house. A thousand thoughts flashed through my brain, images of how the our house would look like in summer or what it would look like on Hallows Eve, my mom was always fond of decorations and holidays. So our house was always spick and span for a party. Without my mom's creative touch our house was just like any other house in Springfield, almost all houses here had red brick or plank walls and shingled roofs. The architecture of the town was relatively Farmhouse and Southern in Style, with white columns lining the spacious front porches and large windows that let a lot of light into the rooms.

I breathe in deep allowing the cold air to fill my lungs as my eyes scanned the ground below. The wind was blowing a little too strong for my liking and a few strands of my hair came loose from my ponytail, normally I would tuck it in but now I just let it be. I heard the creak of our trellis, filled with primroses, below and saw a young man climbing on to the roof.

"Sorry I'm late." I heard him say as he made his way towards me. In his hand he held his scruffy notebook that he never went without. Instead of answering I merely stared at him and his lopsided smile, at the back of my mind I could sense a hint of sadness behind it. Devon Sawyer why do always mess with my head?

"So what have you been up to?" He casually asked me after he had settled himself beside me seating cross-legged. He leaned back resting his weight on his hands and gazed up at the stars. We stayed that way not saying anything for a few minutes before he broke the silence by whistling a song. I am familiar with the tune and soon enough I end up whistling along with him. When he finished the song he breathe in loudly and stretched out on the roof, lying down and resting his head on his arms.

"It's too quiet, the silence is killing me. My whole day has been too quiet actually." He said as he continued to look up at the sky.

"Well that's shocking, you? Have a quiet day? Your one of the school charming's, having a day without one girl fangirling over you is hard to believe." I answered. D(Devon) was part of the school varsity, he was good at sports particularly football which was actually hard to believe considering he had a small frame. Despite not having the same bulky exterior as his teammates D or Ace as the rest of the world calls him well except for me and his family, he is actually a very fast runner and his small structure makes it easier for him to evade the players from the other team. He has scored numerous home runs for our team which landed him a scholarship at a known university up in Arlington. Due to his popularity in the field a lot of girls swoon over him, of the majority are girls from the cheer-leading squad and drama club.

"Don't believe me?" He asked with a smile. I shrugged my shoulders at him. It's a surprise to some really how we became friends. He was the jock super popular type while I was the quiet nerdy type, to the eyes of some we weren't on the same page to begin with. To others who don't know me I was book-loving-Jesus-fearing type of girl who wouldn't even dare to socialize with popular kids since they believe that people who go to church are allergic to extroverts. All that is a lie of course, yes I'm a God fearing girl but my life wasn't just all about books and studies, I actually play sports namely volleyball and badminton and D is not the party going type.

"I'm sure you did something horrible that's why nobody bugged you." I told him snickering. He continued to smile and stare at the night sky, I on the other hand waited for an explanation.

"Well?" I asked him growing impatient.

"Trina and I broke up." He said calmly while I took in what he had said.

"What?!!!" I yelled as soon as reality sunk in.

"Are you crazy?!! She was the girl of your dreams you idiot! After all the hardships you went through just to make her your girl..." I ranted but I wasn't able to finish what I was saying because as soon as I began raising my voice he got up and started walking away from.

"D!" I called after him.

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