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The pain I felt that day felt as raw as if it were yesterday. I remember going to my room and as soon as my doors were locked I cried my heart out. The letter I had written lay on top of my bed untouched, the sign that read Devon love Trina was torn to pieces beside me, pictures of him and me were scattered on the floor with him cut out in each one. That was how my mother found me crying my heart out by my bedside.

1 year ago

One look was all it took for my mom to understand what had happened to me and the realization that hit her kept her mortified in place as she looked at my disheveled form.

"I did what you told me mom, I played my part after all I am his best friend, just his best friend."

"Baby I'm so sorry. I didn't..." My mom said in a voice filled with sorrow.

"I just want to be alone mom." I told her as I buried my face into my arms letting my tears fall. I thought I was strong enough to not cry but I guess I was wrong.

After my mom left me to myself I went to the roof porch and stared at the night sky which seemed to mirror how I felt because not a single star could be spotted. I sat there out in the cold night contemplating on what I should do with my life and in my deep trance I was lucky enough to see Devon going over to his house with Trina beside him. His parents were home and he was going to introduce her to them. He could have seen me there out on the roof if he had been paying attention to the things around him. So he missed seeing me with my tear steaked face as he made his way into their home. Not long after D arrived home the rain began to fall and I decided to stay right where I am hoping that the rain would wash away my pain.

6 months ago

I stared at D in disbelief, after he had ignored me for almost 4 whole months he was now here asking help from me like he hadn't done anything wrong. Sure I accepted the fact that I wasn't the main girl in his life now that he had a girlfriend but him downright ignoring me and forgetting about me like I'm some piece of trash was something I couldn't forgive.

"What makes you think I will help you?" I told him out frankly.

"Because you're my best friend." He had the nerve to tell me.

"Best friend?!! What makes you think I even consider you as a friend?" I told him coldly trying to control my voice because his mom might over hear our mothers were still the best of friends after all.

He looked at me shocked causing whatever is left of my patience to snap.

"Friends don't ignore each other for 4 whole months DEVON ALASTAIR SAWYER!" I yelled at him causing our moms and even our dads to look at us in shock.

"You and Trina can go to hell together for all I care!!!!" I added turning my back on him and made my way back to my house not forgetting to slam the door in case he was following me.

The following morning I saw him waiting outside my house with roses and a large I'm sorry note in hand. I slammed the door in his face of course but he did the same for the whole next week. With the same effort he had wooed Trina he used to earn my apology. Forgiving him wasn't as hard as I thought after all the Lord Jesus did teach us to forgive but trusting him again was a whole different story. We went back to our routine when he was still courting Trina, he would come over to my place and we would make all the cheesy romantic things needed to make Trina forgive him. It was during these days while we were out on the roof like the old days that I told him that I was leaving Springfield after graduation since I got into Yale after earning a scholarship. He was shocked of course.

"I thought we would go to Arlington? Wasn't that what we agreed on ever since 5th grade?" He asked me with disbelief.

"Well plans change." I replied wanting to add the line "And people change" but I held my tongue, preferring instead to say. "I can't turn down something as marvelous as Yale can I?"

He looked at me sadly.

"Besides I'm sure you and Trina would get married after graduation, you two would get settled in a nice house have kids. You've found your other half now it's time I find mine, I pretty certain the man I would marry wouldn't be here in Springfield. So I guess our dream of growing old together would remain to be just childish dreams." I told him letting myself slip through the mask for a short moment. He grew quiet after I said that his eyes looked straight at mine but I merely shrug his gaze off and looked up at the stars which looked lovely tonight.

"I'll make it up to you somehow V, I promise." D said as he continued to stare at me.

I smiled and said to myself "Promises are made to be broken."


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