Elk City Champion

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Once everyone was up, I met with all the drivers to plan our next move. Elizabeth had brought a map of the United States to help plan the route.

"We're here" I said pointing to highway 40, next to Oklahoma City. "Next stop is Elk City for gas and food. Myself, Zach, Hayden, Elizabeth, And Big Ben will go to Target with the Mover and get all the food we can get, while the rest of the vehicles refuel at a gas station across the street."

"Do not hesitate to leave without us if you see any sandmen. We'll catch up with you." Aaron said to the other drivers.

"We'll reach elk city in an hour. Let's go." I ordered. We all piled into our vehicles and and started towards Elk city. Zach was sitting quietly, looking out the window. I wanted to make conversation so I spoke up. "So, what you thinking about, Z?"

"Nothing. Have either of you been to elk city before?" Zach asked me and Ben. We both shook our heads no. I rarely ever left Hillsboro so everything was new to me.

"I didn't even know elk city was a thing until you said we were going there." Ben said, looking at the long road in front of us. As we led our Convoy of survivors down the road, I started thinking. What if there were more people that were fighting back. Our group got lucky, due to the fact that we had come across a suitcase full of information about the sandman operation. The rest of the nation didn't get so lucky.

"So, I didn't understand the plan.. Where are we stopping?" Zach asked me.

"Elizabeth and Cailey made a list for each of the people looting target. We go in, and get out of elk city." I explained.

"Okay, does Elizabeth have them?" Zach asked. I nodded.

"She'll give them to us when we get there. We'll be there soon. I just hope we get there okay." I told them.

"What do you mean?" Zach asked me.

"Oh nothing.. Just.. I wonder why they did this to the world." I said to my best friends. There had to be a reason why the sandmen created this bioweapon.

"Maybe it was just for power..?" Ben presumed.

"I don't know.." I said aloud. Who would do such a thing. Why?


"Stick to the plan and we'll be fine. Everyone have their list?" Cailey asked the group that was entering target. Everyone nodded and turned to the store. My list consisted of bottled waters, rope, toilet paper, and batteries. Five of us were walking through the entrance of the store as the others filled all the vehicles with gas at the gas station across the street.

"You have ten minutes. Let's go!" I shouted to my group as we split up. I grabbed a cart and sped down the aisle looking for my items. I saw Zach down another aisle as I passed. The first thing I found on my list was batteries. I threw three packs, of each type of battery in the cart.

"Where's the toothpaste?!" Hayden yelled from across the store. I turned and searched for more of the things on my list. The next thing I found was bulky 24-packs of bottled water. I heaved three packs of the bottles into the cart. Two down, two to go. Toilet paper wasn't very far away so I grabbed it next. Almost done. The last thing was rope. Before I could look for my last item I heard a voice over the speakers.

"Attention looters, you are out numbered and out guned!!" A Russian accented voice yelled. I stopped and waited. "We have a deal for you. If you want to leave alive you must beat the champ. Bring the things you have collected to the front of the store."

"Psst.. Drayton." Aaron whispered from somewhere behind me. "I didn't bring my gun. What are we going to do?"

"I don't know. Just don't do anything dumb." I whispered back. We all gathered at the entrance of the store where we were blocked by at least twelve men with rifles pointed at us. One of the men, that was skinnier than the others, stepped forward.

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