Healing And Loving

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We drove for a while longer before the DC truck needed fixing. It took a lot of damage during the escape. We all pulled off the highway and onto a old back road.

"We got lucky, I'll tell you that" Aaron stated to the group. We were sitting around the trucks and waited to see what Luke and Brianna said about the truck.

"Should we lay low for the night? Make our next move in the morning?" Maddie asked me. It was starting to get dark, some of us needed medical attention, and the drivers were tired.

"I'll go get firewood." Big Ben started but Aaron quickly stopped him.

"No," he said, stopping Big Ben in his tracks. " fire attracts attention, attention is the last thing we need right now."

"So we sleep in the dark?" Elizabeth asked. Aaron nodded. Madison searched the back of the mover for her medical bag. She ignored my wounded leg and went straight to Parker. He had been shot five times. Once in the shoulder, twice in the leg, once in the gut, and once in the forearm. When he got shot, his adrenaline was pumping so much he couldn't feel as much pain. Now was a different story. He was lying in his father's lap with tears in his eyes.

"We're lucky to have a protector like you on our team Parker." Madison said to him as she inspected each bullet hole.

"How's he looking?" Nick asked Madison, concerned about his son.

"It looks like this bullet went straight through, these bullets went straight through, that went through, and this one still has a bullet in it." She said pointing at each bullet wound. The bullet that was still lodged in was the one in his shoulder.

"What can I do to help?" I asked. Maddie dug in her bag for bandages and tweezers. She threw me the large roll of bandages.

"Start wrapping up the other wounds while I get the bullet out of this one. Make sure you get both sides, the entry and exit." She said, wasting no time for anything.

"Is there a way to give him any kind of pain medicine?" Brianna asked, holding Parker's hand tightly.

"We can knock him out." Aaron said firmly.

"No!" Nick said angrily. "He can do it without the meds."

"What time is it Ben?" I asked. Ben looked down at his watch.

"A minute after 6:00. We have two more hours until dark." He replied. We didn't know where or how we would sleep that night. Someone suggested we took shifts during the night. The drivers wouldn't have to take a shift. They needed more sleep than everyone else. An hour passed before Madison was finished taking care of Parker. She washed the blood off her hands with a bottled water.

"Anyone else injured?" She asked loudly. I raised my hand and tried to sit up off the ground where I had been sitting but I couldn't by myself. She came over to me and looked at my leg. "It went in and out, barely missed the bone, and needs to be cleaned and patched up. You're my brother so I can't help you with this one."

"What?!" I asked confused. She wouldn't help me?

"To clean it, we need to get your pants off. And I'm not doin' that. But someone else knows how to clean it." Madison said looking over her shoulder. She looked right at Brianna. Brianna blushed and smiled at me. I felt more happy than I did scared that she was going to help me. I blushed when she came over and extended her hand to help me up.

"Let's go over there, so no one has to see you with your pants down." Brianna laughed as she helped me to my feet. It hurt like stabbing me in the leg every time I put weight on it. We made our way away from the group and behind some bushes in a clearing. It was beautiful out as the sun set over the horizon.

"Sooo... This isn't weird at all." I said jokingly to Brianna as I unbuttoned my jeans. She giggled at my joke and reached into maddie's bag for certain supplies to clean my wound. As she did that I removed my jeans and waited in my boxers. She really did know what she was doing. She wasted no time while she helped me into a comfortable sitting position so she could operate. She poured some peroxide onto the hole and in burned like a thousand fire ants. I groaned in pain as she grasped my hand.

"You're doing good. Just a little longer. I'll wrap it then we're done." She said to me in a soothing voice. I relaxed and she pulled out the roll of bandages and finished taking care of my wound. She threw the rest of the supplies back in the bag and looked back at me. But before I could thank her she did something unforgettable. She grabbed my shirt, pulled me close, and kissed me. When I realized what was happening my brain sort of just stopped. She pulled away and smiled.

"That was nice. thank you, brianna." i said awkwardly. She bit her lip and looked at me up and down.

"I told everyone that it would take an hour to fix you up. It only took 5 minutes.. We still have almost an hour to ourselves. Have any ideas?" She flirted.

"Um.. I don't know... Do you?.. " I said Awkwardly.

"A few." She said getting close to me. A few indeed.

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