Hannah's Hospital Horror

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Later, they drove towards the entrance of the hospital parking lot. It was filled with plenty of empty cars. Brianna parked the truck next to the ambulances, behind the building.

"Remember what I said, Mad.." Emilie started.

"I know, like glue.." Madison sighed.

"Good. Hannah are you okay? Are you ready to find out what's in your belly?" Emilie asked Hannah.

"Can't wait." Hannah said, smiling. They all got out of the truck and stood in front of the entrance.

"Madison, you're a doctor, where would we go to find the baby stuff?" Brianna asked. Maddie though for a moment before answering.

"We need to go to the Labor and Delivery Wing." She stated. The doors opened and they stepped inside. In front of them was a map of the hospital. Madison scanned the map for the correct place. "We need to go to the fourth floor, hallway 8."

"Should we take the elevator?" Hannah asked.

"Yeah, let's go." Emilie said leading the way. Maddie made sure to stay close to her at all times. The elevators were in the main lobby, next to the front desk. Brianna pressed the up button. They watched as the number above the elevator door lowered down to "1".

"We should take the equipment home with us. It isn't that much. You're supposed to get an Ultrasound every month to make sure the baby is developing right." Maddie explained as the elevator doors opened. The four of them stepped inside and watched Maddie press the button that had the number "4" on it. They waited for the elevator doors to shut and felt the space around them move.

"So... What do you want it to be?" Brianna asked Hannah, killing time.

"I'll love it the same if it were either, but if I had a choice, I would like a boy." She answered happily. "Zach says he wants a girl."

"You guys will be great parents." Emilie added. The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. They filed out and started moving. Madison and Emilie led the way, Hannah stayed in the middle, and Brianna brought up the rear. They came to a door that had a small sign on it.

"Ultrasounds." Hannah read aloud. Maddie pushed the door open and switched on the light. Inside was a hospital bed and some medical equipment.

"Sit down there, Hannah." Madison instructed, getting straight to work. She walked over to a monitor and pressed the power button. The screen lit up and Madison walked over to a laptop. Hannah laid down and watched Madison type something on the keyboard. "I need you to take your shirt off. You can leave your bra on. Hannah, what's your last name?"

"Hannah Schneider." She answered.

"I don't know how to spell that, so I'll put Hannah Pechman instead." Madison said as her fingers moved around the keyboard. Madison grabbed a white tool that was connected to a wire, that connected to the laptop.

"This is called a Convex. It's how we see the baby. We need to cover your belly with this gel." Madison explained, handing Hannah a bottle of Sono gel. Hannah removed her top and exposed her belly. It was enlarged and rounded. She applied the gel and waited for further instruction.

"Now what?" Hannah asked.

"Just relax. Watch the monitor." Madison said, placing the Convex on Hannah's belly. The monitor rippled black and white for a moment, while Maddie found the location of the baby. She stopped when she had it in place. "There it is, Hannah." The monitor showed a black and white outline of a baby. Hannah choked up. That was her baby. Madison smiled.

"No way. Hannah, you're having a girl!!" Brianna cheered, grabbing Hannah's hand.

"It's a girl. Congratulations. Now let's go home." Madison said. She pressed a button and printed a picture of the baby. As it printed, Emilie started grabbing several bottles of Sono gel for home. Madison shut the laptop and unplugged the monitor. Hannah put her shirt on while the others shoved the equipment into their bags. Once they were finished, they all stepped out of the room, heading back to the elevators. They stopped completely when they looked at what was down the hallway.

"Who dares enter my Hospital?!?!" A shirtless, tattooed man yelled from down the hallway. He was a long distance away from them but they could clearly see what he looked like. The man was skinny and bald, with yellow teeth. He held a blood stained machete in his hand. It was long and sharp. He spoke like a insane person. "No one steals from ME!!!!" He screamed charging at the girls.

"Brianna, get Hannah to the truck, Me and Emilie will distract him." Madison said, as they turned to run. When they got to a staircase, Hannah and Brianna ran down the stairs. Emilie and Maddie turned back, to see the man getting closer. He ran like an animal.

"Let's split up. I don't have a gun." Emilie said turning down a hallway, away from Madison. They went separate ways and the man followed Maddie. She took every turn she could to lose the man. She could hear his insane laughter echoing throughout the corridors. When she lost sight of the Freak, she hid in one of the nearby rooms. Listening for movement, She pulled the knife Emilie had given her from her bag. Before she could grab the pistol, she heard the man slowly walking down the same hall she was in.

"Where are you, little one? You can't hide from me. I know every inch of this place. You're in my domain.." He called down the hall. Madison held the knife tightly in her hand. She knew he was right outside the door. She held her breath and waited. "There you are, honey."

"Leave me alone!!" Emilie screamed from somewhere outside. Maddie could hear a struggle and metal hitting the floor. She peeked out the door to find Emilie pinned to the floor. The Freak was on top of her grinning. His machete had dropped from his hand and was a foot from Emilie. "Get off of me, you Freak!!"

"It's been a long, long time since I've had a visitor like you, sweetheart." The man said as he moved his face closer to hers. "Let's have some fun, shall we?" He smelled her blonde hair and rubbed her face. Madison slowly crept out of the room holding the knife. She came right behind him and reared her arms back. She swung her arm down and impaled the man's back. He roared in pain letting go of Emilie and striking Maddie in her stomach. She fell to the floor holding her belly. While he was distracted, Emilie reached over and grabbed his machete. She swung it and the man was ready for it. He rose his arm to block the blade from hitting his face and the blade lodged right into his bone. He screamed out and fell to the left. Emilie wasn't finished. She pulled the blade back out and stabbed his head onto the ground. She pulled it out and swung again and again. Blood splattered everywhere. She cried as she sliced the man's body, but did not stop. Madison ran to Emilie and stopped her. She sobbed and fought back.

"It's me, Emilie!! Please stop." Madison yelled, throwing the machete away from them. "It's okay, now."

"He tried to..." Emilie started but dug her face into Madison's chest. Maddie held her tightly and calmed her down. She let go, Retrieved Emilie's knife, and walked them out of the hospital. When they got to the truck, she explained what happened, then Brianna started driving. Away from the horror that lived inside that hospital.

"Get yourself cleaned up, when we get home." Madison said to Emilie, rubbing her shoulder. In Madison's mind, she tried to put the pieces back together again. Emilie was supposed to be mentoring Madison. From what happened, the student, became the teacher. They drove in silence. Never looking back.

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