Chance to Be Honest

Start from the beginning

"Baby, don't do this. Can we please just got talk alone. I just want a chance to explain myself." His face softens a little and he removed from his seat at the table and walked out. I looked around the group quickly and all but Kayla were looking confused. I think she kind of assumed what was going on. She looked away from me tears starting to weld in her eyes as well as I made my way after Christian who was now outside of the cafeteria. I saw him leaving the building and to his car which I happily made my way to sitting in the passenger seat.

"Talk." He said once we were both finally in.

"Christian, baby I'm not cheating on you. I swear I would never. That mark isn't from me cheating on you, I promise, you have to believe me." I said between tears. It sounded a lot better when I was thinking of what to say but after it sounded pretty unbelievable.

"So, who did it Monica?" He asked calmly. "Just tell me the truth. I promise not to me mad." He said caressing my hand. My thought drifted to Ava. I couldn't jeopardize her safety. I would never forgive myself if she got lost into the system.

"I can't tell you that." I stuttered, putting my head down.

"You can't tell me!" He repeated, banging his fist into the steering wheel. I flinched.

"I can't, you have to trust me." I said tears falling down my face.

He chuckled. "How can I with what I've seen. Why can't you tell me? Is someone after you? Talk to me?" He said looking straight ahead through the windshield. I could tell he was coming from a place of compassion but I just couldn't. I kept quiet for what seemed like minutes because my mind was racing so fast. I watch his expression go from worried to sad to angry. He put his hand over his face took a deep breath and got out the car. I got out too and he locked it. He walked up to me and kissed my lips deeply. For a moment, I thought he forgave me but, after the kiss he walked away from me I ran after him grabbing his arm. I was definitely confused.

"Christian wait." I stated his arm still in my hand. He snatched it away.

"Monica, I can't be with someone who can't keep it real with me. It's over" He said starting to walk away to a few girls headed back in the building. I held my hand up to my lips just wondering what the kiss was for until I realized that he was seriously breaking up with me. Why wouldn't he thought, He had every right. Because from the outside looking in I'm just some fat nobody who obviously wasn't real with him about the bite marks and hickies and beatings. I would've done the same thing had it been the other way around.


"You said what?" Shawn asked shocked. Omar even was surprised by the information I gave as well. We were sitting in the game room in my house playing 2k. It was two days after our break up and I'm not going to lie and say I don't miss her and Ava. I haven't been back to school and I could already feel like my grades were declining because of it.

"I just told her I couldn't be with her if she couldn't keep it real with me." I repeated. They all just shook their heads in disbelief.

"And what's so bad that she did? I mean you were with what's her name and she did all types of fucked up shit. I bet Monica couldn't even touch all that she did." Tray commented. I didn't tell about everything just enough to know that we were over and it was serious. As much as I was mad at her, I would never put her business out there like that. I actually do love her. Also, I just didn't want to hear Omar's mouth.

"Yeah, it couldn't be that bad. What she do?" Shawn asked looking just as curious as Tray.

"I want to know too." O said. I sighed and sat back on my couch in the game room of my home. I knew they would keep bugging me and I had to tell my boys so, I told them everything from her not feeling well that morning all the way to the car conversation. I even told them about how I punched a hole in my room wall and cried like a baby once I got home that day.

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