15 minutes later we were sat in a waiting room. My confidence had completely worn off and my hands were shaking. After a few minutes a staff member came out and said "Jenny Watson?" Jenny stood up beside me, looking obviously nervous. She was beckoned into the room, and she began to walk toward it. When she glanced back at me I nodded at her, and that seemed to make her braver. She turned back around and walked forward into the room, closing the door behind her. It was just me, my mum and a few random people, girls and boys (A/N: haha that ain't ever going to happen), who were here obviously to audition. 

After around 7 minutes, Jenny came out looking a little nervous but not as bad as she did when she went in. She walked to me as though she desperately wanted to tell me something, but as soon as she started talking, the staff member walked out the door and called "Y/F/N Y/L/N?" I looked at the door and the back at Jenny, quickly standing up. As I walked towards the room I told Jenny that we'd have to talk later, and then I turned back around. 

The audition room painted a completely different picture than the exterior of the building. The walls were white and there was a big mirror on one of them. A desk was backed against a wall with a couple of people sat at it, talking to each other. They stopped as I walked in, and looked at me instead. I walked quickly into the middle of the room and introduced myself in Korean. (A/N: I ain't typing it in Korean, this whole story is going to be in English, Korean words are too much effort.)

"Hello, my name is Y/N." I said, hoping they didn't notice the slight quiver in my voice. They nodded and I got on with my audition. A singing piece first, and then a dance cover. When I finished they nodded and mumbled something like "maybe..." and wrote something on a piece of paper. The staff member put her hand on my back and gently pushed me towards the door, and I took that as my cue to leave. My mum and Jenny were waiting for me outside and as soon as I stepped back into the waiting room, Jenny rushed at me.

"What happened? Did you do good? Why do you look shook? Do you know what one of the judge-decider-audition thingy guy said? HE SAID 'PROMISING'! Do you know wha..." Jenny spoke extremely fast when she was excited, to the point where I could barely understand her. Unfortunately that was one of those times.

"Jenny calm down okay?" I interrupted. "One of the people said 'promising'? That's great! One of mine said 'maybe...'. That could be maybe not or maybe yes. I guess we'll find out soon." 

That night I couldn't sleep. I just wanted the next day to come. The next day I would find out whether I was good enough to make it in, and do my first performance in front of the other trainees that made it in. Eventually, I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning unusually hyped up. Most of the time I'm cranky when I wake up. But that day I was jumping around, waiting for the acceptance or rejection email. And then it came. The notification popped up on my screen. Jenny received hers a moment later. We both looked at each other, grabbed our laptops and counted down from 3.




I clicked on the email.

Y/F/N Y/L/N,

We are please to inform you that you have been accepted into BigHit Entertainment as a trainee.

As I read that line I screamed, and so did Jenny at the same time. I looked at her and nodded, and she did the same. We jumped up and down, hugging each other, my mum even joining in. I jumped back onto the bed and continued reading.

We will need you to come down to BigHit Studios at 1:00PM today to give your performance to the other trainees that passed.


BigHit Entertainment.

1:00PM rolled around quick, and before I knew it, I was stood beside a stage waiting to perform with a microphone strapped to my chest. Jenny performed first, and she did amazing. Better than I'd ever seen her do. My performance was a cover of BlackPink's Boombayah. It was a popular song that everyone loved, so I though "Why not?". 

When I had finished, I received a round of applause that gave me a lot of confidence. I stepped off the stage and, in my usual clumsy fashion, tripped on the last step and would've face planted if Jenny hadn't been there to catch me. I peered around, praying that nobody had seen, and it seemed like I was ok. Gathering my balance again, I followed Jenny, who was walking towards the corner of the room, and sat down. After around 5 minutes of watching other trainees show their skills in dancing or singing, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked to my right and saw someone very familiar stood next to where I was sat. A very familiar face, but I just couldn't figure out where I had seen them.

"Hey, you're Y/N aren't you?" The person asked.

"Um... yeah." I replied, confused. I wondered how he knew my name, before realising I had announced my name just before I performed.

"You did great up there. Very promising." I blushed when he said that. I wasn't good at receiving compliments. I never had been. Especially when the person complimenting me was as good looking as this person was.

"I'm Taehyung, you know, BTS?"

The Trainee - A J-Hope fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now