Febuary 2013

123 26 2

Dear Diary,
Right now, as I'm writing to you I'm standing near my window looking out of it. I can't hear a lot but birds chirping away and the bushes swaying to the sound of the winds, I feel like I'm normal (not that kind of way though) I feel like I'm me again. No cancer, no weaknesses, no nothing but that's all gone in a second because I can feel my legs giving in. I guess I'm going to have to get used to being weak, being in a wheelchair, not being able to bath myself, taking a lot and I mean a lot of tablets and to top it all off I've started being sick on my chemo.

4,11,18,25 February
Bev came around doing my dressing changes and took blood to see if I could have chemo the next day. I loved it when Bev came around because she was always so calm (apart from when I trick her) and she was always so reassuring.

5,12,19,26 Feb
These days are again hospital visits but this time my mum and brothers (who had to take time of school) took me to the hospital because dad couldn't afford to take anymore time of work.

Well that's it for this month, sorry it's short I'm not doing good this month.

Clarice Crothers xx

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