December 2012

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December 2012

Dear Diary,

Hi Diary,

am I glad to have you back, It's been a busy end of the month and a very emotional one. I'm finding it very hard to come to terms that I have Cancer because it's something that no one should have to come to terms with. I've been feeling very angry and upset, mum and dad says it's because of the steroids and all the other medication I'm on but is it really? I just can't understand anything now, at least I don't have to go school but then it messes with my education urgh.

3,10,17 and 21 December 2012

These are the days my Community nurse comes and takes my blood (to make sure I can have treatment the next day) and changes the dressing around my Hickman line. I've met three different ladies Vicky, Yasmin and Bev. My favourite is Bev because I like joking with her when she does my dressing by saying Ow every time she came near my dressing, but she also made it a bit easier to understand though I did ask mum and dad every night why me. I didn't do anything bad to anyone, and what made it worst was I was becoming weaker as the days went by.

4,11,18 and 24(Christmas eve) December 2012

These days were hospital days, where I had to get up at six am to get to the hospital at seven am because I had Chemotherapy, Bone marrow test and Lumbar puncture or even blood transfusions which was okay because I had my dad there but it was an all-day thing like we wouldn't get home until five, six at night but Christmas eve was the worse in a way because all month I had been walking on my tiptoes and I kept falling over, this was partly because of how weak I was getting so the hospital and some other people decide that I had to use a wheelchair for when I'm out and about. Christmas eve was also a long day because we didn't get home until 7 at night but my 9-year-old brother came with us so it was all right plus him and dad did more Christmas shopping while I was under a general anaesthetic having a bone marrow and lumbar puncture.

25 December 2012

I remember this day well because all I did was unwrap my presents and then slept the rest of the day which I hated because I wanted to have at least some enjoyment at Christmas even if I was ill but nope my body didn't like it. My brothers (part from the 2-year-old) didn't like it as well because they wanted to play with me but couldn't.

I know this is short but I can't remember anything else from December so I'm going to sign out here, much love Diary xx


Heya guys, hope you liked the update, and the last Chapter please let me know what you think thank you, much love

Cancer and I (ON HOLD)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن