Flatterings of the Mind Pt. I

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A hundred-million years ago,
I'd be the man running the show.
The one pulling all the strings,
Watching the puppets dance for me.
I would topple any opposing regime,
With philosophy and other mindful things.
To them I'd be the one to put the sun in the sky,
Who created the grass and butterflies.
A throne amongst the stars would I sit,
As they erect statues and tell stories of my holy visit.

But here in the present time,
An average joe doth here lie.
I looked into the well of creativity,
But only the beast known as boredom stared back at me.
I reached out to take it,
And was in turn bit.
They say modern life is soul crushing,
But tell me: are those pieces on the ground for a car battery,
Or are they parts for heart.

It could be worse I suppose,
I could have died from the common cold,
In those centuries long ago.

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