The Silent Majority

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The media always ignores me.
For I am part of the silent majority.

I do not scream and shout,
Nor do I pout.
I do not obstruct,
My enemies I seek not to crush.
I do not go red in the face,
I do not debate over race.
I do not try to have fame.
I just live life the same.

The media shall always ignore me,
For I am part of the silent majority.

I don't try my hardest to scream and shout,
I do not side with counterculture,
I don't side with the schmucks,
Any more than I do with the punks.

The media shall always ignore me,
Me and the silent majority.
We don't try to bring attention to us,
We don't scream and shout.
We don't obstruct,
We just live life the same.
Playing the same old game.

That is all fine,
As you will find,
The world does not change entirely overnight,
Not by those that go red in the face,
That debate over race,
That go and gain fame.

For the world only changes,
When the silent majority decide to turn some pages.
When we decide to act,
That's the actually fact.

And you will surely find,
That the future resides with me,
Me and the silent majority.
When we decide to speak.


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