Complete Escapism

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Complete Escapism

My friends have left.
They have left and aren't coming back.
At least for a long whiles anyway.
Where have they gone?
To a place where I can not follow.
They call it fantasy, fiction, Adventure.
I call it books, TV, and games.

I used to go with them all the time when we were younger.
We could be anything;
and we did just that.
We were Ninjas; Knights; Royalty; people of great importance.
We always came back though,
be it to the calls of our stomachs, tiredness,
or our moms.
We always came back.

Over the years I did not go with my friends so much anymore.
School was a necessary evil along with chores.
I had responsibilities to attend to before I could make believe.
Thats what they called it: make believe.
It was no longer a second reality;
it was just make believe.
And I accepted this;
My friends...not so much.

My escapes with my friends were less frequent as time continued to go by.
I was simply uninterested,
And perhaps they were too invested.
I was more concerned about tests; assignments; and spending time with family.
They wanted endings and didn't want them at the same time along with answers to questions.

Soon the rift became even larger.
My friends had discovered communities.
With this discovery came more discoveries like:
Fan Fiction; fan art; comic cons and much more.
I was, yet again, uninterested.
And they, perhaps, too invested.

The final straw came.
The straw that broke everything.
A simple but complex thing.
That just, perhaps, ruined what could've been.
It came when I finally took interest.
Finally wanted to see what I was missing
Finally want to cross the rift.
What I found was not what I wanted to see.
It made me sick and scared me for life.
My friends were still my friends but different.
They were something I couldn't take.

So I came back.
And now my friends are gone.
Gone to a place that I can not call them back from.
Because I was uninterested,
And they, too invested.

....Perhaps it was the other way.
That it was me who was too invested.
Too invested into reality.
And they, my friends, who were uninterested.
Uninterested in everything but fantasy.
Sometimes I wish,
Just sometimes,
I wish i too, had completely escaped from reality.
So as to be their to help my friends when they need me.
When their paradise seeking,
Comes to a sudden end.

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