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This world is warped.
It is confusing, hypocritical, and very much warped.

It pretends to understand,
It says it is my friend....
Even though it can not even begin to truly understand me.
For it is warped, and crooked, and insane.
It does not know what a friend is but another back to stab and when there are no backs left to stab, it finds itself alone with no 'friends'.

The world is very hypocritical indeed.
It laughs at others but denies it.
Confuses  wrong with right,
And right from wrong.
Finds shades of grey when there is only black and white to actually be found and nothing else.
Mocks what should be respected,
And respects what should be shamed.
Says it is not trying to pressure me into something I'm not,
When thats all it ever does every day.

The world is not a friend, not right, not sane, it is most definitely bad news.
Because it is estrange and alien i can never truly began to understand it.

For ,to me, the world is warped,
And I, to the world

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