Chapter 17

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We walked together until we saw a huge crowd of people out in front of where we were staying but it didn't look like Celine was out yet. RC called one of the security guards over so we could get by them safely. Then everyone spotted us just before we went inside to see when Celine was coming out. I've never heard so many people scream RC's name or mine.
"Yay! I'm so happy you guys decided to be with me today while I do meet ups with fans!" Celine said embracing me and then RC.
"Sure! I love making other people smile just by me looking at them." I said smiling over towards RC.
"Are you ready?" RC asked Celine.
"You look great mom I love this outfit."
I blurted out before she answered.
"Thank you love, you two lead the way." Celine said as me and RC held the door open for her to walk out. People screamed and some were crying over the sight of the queen. So many people screamed mine and RC's name I didn't know what direction to go in. I heard a very loud screaming of my name to the right of me so I walked over to the silver 4 and a half foot gate separating us. I signed several t shirts, pictures, CDs, and gave out hugs to the joyful people waiting on Celine to walk over there way. It felt so good to hear all the positivity from everyone. I got so many "I'd love to hear you sing again! You're so pretty! I love you!" Comments from people.
After I took one of my last pictures of the day with a fan RC came up behind me and I jumped two feet back.
"RC you scared the hell out of me!" I said trying to catch my breathe and laugh at the same time.
"Someone is awfully jumpy today." He says laughing before hugging me from behind and pressing his lips against my cheek.
Several people had there flash on and I noticed them taking pictures of me and RC together. He noticed the same thing as he smirked at me when I looked back over to him. Even with all the screaming crying fans it felt like no one else was around when we were together. Celine seemed pretty tired after doing so many. We must have been out here for several hours talking to people and taking pictures.
"I've had fun meeting with fans but I'm dead tired." Celine said walking over to RC and I.
"Me too, I'm cool with going in and just chilling." I said yawning.
RC, Celine, and I waved to the crowd of people outside before going back in.
"I was surprised at how many people actually knew who I was." I said looking over to RC.
"I wasn't, have you been on Facebook recently? There is already a picture of us holding hands out at the London bridge on several fan pages." He says as I burst out laughing.
"You were dead serious when you said that you check up on all these pages on social media."
When we got half way up the stairs I felt my phone vibrate. I looked down and smiled when I saw it was Ashley.
"Hey Ashley!" I answered.
"Hey Em, do you have a minute?" She asked.
That's weird normally she would sound happy or ask how things are going.
"Yeah, what's going on?"
"Well your older brother Jordan is home from the military for awhile."
"Yay! But is he coming out here to visit with me?"
"That's what I was going to tell you he came over to ask where you were at so I told him. Then he said when he left the airport this morning your parents had tried to talk to him."
"Ugh I wish they would leave him alone! What do they not understand about they put me and him through enough hell!"
"Emily, he passed by your parents at the airport. They were getting on a plane to LA which is where all people flying out of the country go for there layover out."
I felt my heart start pounding and I was sweating.
"You have got to be kidding me! I swear to you if I see them here or at Celine's show I will scream! Please tell Jordan to call me or if he wants I'll fly him out here. I really miss him."
"I'm sorry Em I wish I could fix this. Jordan was pretty scared for you. He wanted you to know so you could try to avoid it. Please let me know if you need anything I miss you."
"I love you Ashley and I miss you. Thank you for letting me know."
"I love you too Em, be safe." She says as I hang up the phone.
I felt my back hit the wall and tears brim my eyes. I didn't know if I was really angry or very afraid. This is the last thing I need. I don't want them anymore I just want to be left alone with RC and the people I call mom and dad. Not them, to me they aren't my parents anymore. Ugh! What do they want from me so bad?!

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