Chapter 5

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~Emily's POV~
Celine opened the door to her closest and took us to the back. She grabbed  a long silky lime green dress hanging up all by itself.
"This should fit you! It's your favorite color so I thought you would like to wear it tonight." She said with the biggest grin on her face.
"Oh my gosh I love it! How did you know that was my favorite color?" I replied laughing almost breathe taken.
"Em, I know you better then you know you. That and I had RC confirm it." We burst out laughing at her attempt to sound serious when really she wasn't. 
"Thank you so much! I will gladly pay you back for the dress when I get paid!  Just let me know what the price is."
"Hun, you don't have to do that. You've done enough for RC and always made time to keep up with our busy schedule."
RC look at me and smirked again. What would I give to just kiss him I thought. Ugh stop thinking that!
"Thank you again. I don't know how I could ever repay you for everything!" She leaned over and hugged me.
"I got Ashley to come tonight." RC said
"Yeah I know I talked to her on the phone. I had a feeling you would find someway to get her involved." I said laughing.
"I can't wait to hear you at rehearsal!" RC exclaimed.
"I bet, you haven't stopped all day!" He started laughing and I forgot how to breathe. Gosh what is it about this boy that's so different. I have never felt this way before.
"It close to time. Mom will be getting a few things ready so she will be a minute if you want to head over now." I agreed and we went back through the house to get into the back of the limo. Just to be sure Ashley hadn't texted me I checked my phone. She texted me "Break a leg kiddo, well don't actually but you know what I mean." I just smiled and thought Ashley gets on my nerves sometimes but I love her. I texted back "I love you! Thanks ash."
"Em are you okay?" RC asked.
"Yeah I'm just very anxious." He put his arm around me and I leaned over on him both arms around him. Gosh did that feel good. Every nerve was calm and I wasn't anxious at that moment. Just butterflies in my stomach.
Ugh my feelings always have to screw things up! I'm not allowed to love him I kept repeating to myself.
Eventually I just forgot because Celine got in the limo and we left for Caesars.  This ride seemed shorter as excited and nervous as I was about the whole thing. When we got out of the vehicle I immediately went to the stage to get a microphone so I was ready for Celine. Before I went out onstage RC stopped me.
"Hey not so fast girl." He joked.
"Does mom want me to wait to put my dress on?"
"Yeah just put it on before the show. You'll be great I have faith in you. Just forget about anything else."
"I will try for you." I said trying not to blush.
Walking out onto the stage made me even more nervous. That's when I saw Celine coming once again looking very stressed out.
"Mom are you sure you're alright today?" I asked anxiously.
"Oh yeah my head still hurts. Are you ready to sing for me?" She said sounding excited.
"Yeah." I replied trying not to sound shaky. Celine grabbed my hand and held it tight.
"Aw, Em you're shaking. Will it help if I stand with you?"
"Maybe, do you want me to sing from the beginning?"
"Yeah don't worry about parts yet. Just sing up through the chorus." She said as I took a deep breathe and heard the music start. Just forget about everything and let go I reassured myself before letting the words come out.
"Whole world is watching us now, it's a little intimidating but since there's no way to come down let's give them something amazing. Let's make them remember using one word, incredible oh oh ohh incredible let's make them remember we were incredible simply incredible." I stopped singing and I was no longer shaking. The relief I felt after was unbelievable. When I looked over at Celine she was crying and I hadn't even noticed she wasn't holding my hand anymore. Before I could question why she was crying she looked at me and said "I don't know what you did but it worked for me."
Did I just make one of the worlds greatest singers cry with my voice?
"Aw Celine!" I said trying not to laugh. She wiped away her tears and hugged me tight.
"Rene would be so proud of you." Celine says quietly the to me.
"Awe! I haven't seen dad in awhile! Is he coming tonight?! I asked noticing her smile sorta fade.
"Oh, um I don't know yet."
That worries me he never misses shows unless something is very wrong.
"Is he alright?"
"I think so but besides that, Em you have a beautiful voice! I wish I would have known before now but I'm very excited to sing with you tonight! You can go ahead and get changed if you want to." Celine said smiling but something about her smile seemed fake. Like she was putting it on and pretending to be happy but I wasn't going to push her. I would rather not force her to talk about something she doesn't want to talk about.
"Sounds great! Is there anything else I need to know before the show tonight? I know the different parts of the song so I think I'm good on that."
"I think you have everything down just don't worry about when to come on. You know me I never shut my mouth so just come out when you hear me talk before the song." We laughed at her comment directed at her talking.
I walked backstage to put my dress on and I felt someone grab my hand. I got a knot in my stomach so I knew it was RC.
"Em! That was so good! You made mom cry and I've never seen her cry like that before over a performance." I've never seen him smile so big before. I tried so hard not to blush.
"Thank you. I'm glad you loved it so much considering you're the reason I'm doing this." RC laughed at my comment and once again took my breathe away.
"If you need help with anything let me know." He said hugging me.
I don't understand how one human being can make you feel so high all the damn time. Remember you are just friends I reassured myself for the one thousandth time.
The dressing room door was open and I went in to put on my high heels and dress. After I put my makeup on and it was already almost time for the doors to open. That's when Celine came in to finish up getting ready. She looked very dazed and not herself. Celine was always smiling, talking, and wanting to make other people laugh. I was growing very worried.
What is going on that she isn't telling us?

~Authors Note~I'm very excited to get to this point in my story! I only re read it once so please forgive me for my mistakes😂 I know most of these are Emily's POV but I am going to include some others so I didn't want to confuse anybody when I added the other parts in. Let me know you if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc!❤️❤️❤️

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