Chapter 2

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                   ~Emily's POV~
Celine didn't greet us at the door when we walked in. That was weird she almost always came to say hello with open arms when she knew we were coming.
"Did mom know I was coming over with you?" I asked trying not to think too much of it
"Yeah I texted her. She seemed pretty stressed out last night and when I left this morning." RC was worrying me. He never sounds worried unless something is very wrong. Some times I wonder if he hides it to be strong for others.
"Is dad okay?" I added trying not to sound too concerned.
"I think so he seems alright."
"Hmm I wonder if it's maybe because it's her last week at Caesars before the summer."
"Might be"
We walked a little further down the hallway and through the kitchen.
"Mom?" RC called out when we saw her at the kitchen table with her head in her hands.
"Oh I'm sorry love I forgot about you coming." Celine said not sounding herself. She was always so happy and wanting to make us laugh. Today she seemed very on edge.
"Is everything alright mom?" I asked impatiently as we hugged.
"I'll be okay." Celine said with a sigh.
"What's going on?" RC asked before I did.
"Well I have my last show tonight before my small break this summer and then going to Paris. So I wanted to take out immortality and incredible and do my beauty and the beast medley. The problem is Barnev is sick."
"Can't Dawn or Elise sing the other part?" I asked wishing I could do something to help her.
"Well Rene and I talked about that but then I have nobody to sing back up. I would perfectly fine with a female voice on incredible but it won't work well with beauty and the beast." Celine said softly not being her joyful self.
"Are you able to sing immortality and how does a moment last forever? Then you can cut the two duets." RC replied trying to help. Ugh I wish these butterflies would go away so I could be better help.
"It will mess up the timing. I can do incredible but I have to find someone to sing with by 7:30. It's 2:30 now and I don't know who I am going to get. Right now I really just don't want to disappoint anyone."
I didn't have time to say anything as RC grabbed my arm and pulled me aside out of Celine's ear shot.
"Em, why don't you ask to sing with her?!" He said very enthusiastically.
"What?! Me?! RC I can't s-" I couldn't finish my sentence before he cut me off.
"Don't tell me you can't sing because you can. Em you're really good at it! It might take some pressure off of her." RC kept smiling making it harder to say no.
"What if I mess it up or I crash and burn on stage in front of 4,000 people with camera's?! RC you probably know me better than I know me so you know well enough I have major social anxiety." Just talking about it made me nervous but I wanted to make her happy and him.
"Em I'm only pushing you because I have faith in you and I really want mom to hear you sing. You might feel relieved if you do that in front of people when it's over. I understand if you don't want to but I want to help both of you." His voice sent chills down my spine. Every word he said was true and all I could hear was his smile screaming at me to listen.
"If you promise to stay with me I can be okay with trying this." I said happy with doing this but that butterflies in my stomach didn't seem to go away. 
"Of course I'll be right there with you!" He said.
Maybe it wasn't him that sent the chills down my spine. It is cold in here I tried to convince myself. That's why I have goosebumps. I was so lost in thinking I didn't even realize RC was already talking to Celine about our conversation. She walked up to me smiling and seemed more relaxed.
"Honey, I understand if you don't want to do this but I would love to have you come to rehearsal with me so I can hear you sing!" She said a smile hooked to her ears.
"Well I want to be honest with you and say I don't want you to feel as though I'm using you or you have to do this. I just want to make tonight easier for you." Confessing my only worry to her was a relief. I didn't want this to ruin anything or make her feel like I was trying to be like other people. Just to use her for her fame.
"You're so sweet but I would never think that! For crying out loud kid you're the only one that I let call me mom besides RC and the twins obviously." RC and I burst out laughing at her comment. Finally she was being herself again and I knew that made RC feel better which made me feel good.
"What time do I need to be ready for rehearsal?" I asked anxiously.
"In about an hour or so. You can ride in with us like you would normally for a show. Just two things one don't worry about an outfit. Two if you haven't eaten today I would because even though it looks easy you use you're energy really fast. I don't want you to pass out on me." She laughed. Celine must have been reading my mind because I was starving to death. I turned to RC "I'm going to go eat I'm starving and I better call Ashley. If she finds out later she will kill me." I joked. He hugged me goodbye forcing me to brace myself to fight this unexplained feeling once again. Celine came over to give me a hug.
"Don't be nervous. I can't wait to hear you sing! RC speaks very highly of you so I trust his judgement. I love you Emily."
"I love you too." I responded hugging her tight right before I left.
When I got into the car I paused for a moment. Did that really just happen?

~Authors Note~Hi again! I'm currently out of town and wanted to get this updated so I wouldn't forget later. I tried not to rush it too much lol. If there are any mistakes with my grammar sorry(hopefully I didn't confuse you anywhere please let me know if I did I'm still learning how to use this thing😂)I tried to check it the best I could. Again I'm not great at this but I'm trying to work on being better at updating and writing without making as many errors. Just being a better writer in general! If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions please let me know!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (I might update again tomorrow or Friday so just be aware of that if you are following this story💚)

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