Chapter 11

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~Emily's POV
My eyes opened and the room was still dark. Even though I was barely awake I could feel RC running his fingers through my hair.
"Em, go back to sleep." He said sounding very awake as though he has been up for hours.
"What time is it?"
"It's almost 7 go back to sleep babe."
I just loved the sound of him calling me that. Babe.
"What the hell are you doing up this earlier?" I said laughing.
"Admiring your beautiful body laying up against mine."
Gosh he made my heart flutter.
"Stop it!" I said and we both started to laugh. Then he reached over and turned he bedside lamp on.
"Mom came home a few hours after you fell asleep."
"Ugh, she is going to kill me!"
"For what?"
"Being in here with you."
"Em, mom came in here last night and she didn't care. Actually she said she thought it was pretty cute." RC says trying not to laugh.
"Well the light is on out there so someone is up or both of them are up."
"Probably mom, she doesn't sleep when she is stressed out."
"I'm really worried about her and dad. I wish this didn't have to be like this."
"I know love but it is and will get through it, do you mind if I ask you something personal?"
"Go for it."
"Do you ever go see your parents? I've notice you don't ever bring them up and I've never met them but are they in your life still?"
Ugh that's one question I hope we would always avoid but I'm not going to deny him the truth.
"No they aren't in my life. My grandparents were but they both passed away before I turned 18 which made my last few months with my parents hell."
I felt tears brim my eyes at the thought of my grandparents being gone but I fought them back.
"Did they force you out?"
"No I got tired of them promising me things they couldn't keep. Eventually it was turning into an emotionally abusive situation. They wouldn't let me be a normal teenager because I was abused when I was younger so they wanted to keep me away from everyone. Which is part of the reason I have social anxiety. Then they got mad at me for who I was friends with just about everything I did. So when I turned 18 I said I've had enough got my things moved out toward the strip and then met you." After saying all that I felt relieved to get it out even though some of it still hurts.
"I'm sorry Em."
"About what?"
"That you don't have them in your life and they were like that to you."
"Don't worry about it. I know it's for the better and if it wasn't I wouldn't be laying here with you I'd be with them."
I smiled at the thought of being in his arms instead of at home suffering.
"If you had to deal with all that why are you so selfless? You care so much about other people but you had to cut your parents out of your life."
"Because I don't think it's fair other people are treated poorly just because I had a hard time growing up. That's why I so easily tell people I love them. It cost nothing to be kind RC."
He smiled and I got butterflies and felt my heart race.
"Why do you have to be so perfect all the time?"
"Stop! Your to good at trying to flirt! Why don't you ask yourself the same question?" I said and we both started laughing and I forgot how to breathe when I heard him laugh.
"Whatever just go back to sleep Em." He said while I started yawning. RC got up from the bed and I moved over to where the bed was warm from his body heat.
"Fine, but where are you going smart one?"
"I'm going to go out here and talk to mom if she is the one whose up."
He turned the bedside lamp back off.
I was struggling to stay awake any longer I was still very tired.
"Do you want me to go with you?" I asked.
"No, I want you to go back to bed babe. I can see your tired. You did a lot yesterday." He pushed the comforter over me and I didn't argue. I don't know how he gives me chills but every time he comes close to me I get nervous. Good nervous. My eyes were almost shut and I was close to sleep when I felt him gently press his lips against my cheek. It sent chills down my spine and gave me the warmest feeling inside. He was my last thought before I heard the door shut and I was fast asleep.

A/N the next few chapters are going to be different POVs (spoiler: Celine and RC)! I'm going to try to have them out today or tomorrow! Hopefully I can have before out before midnight tonight but if you have anything to bring to my attention as always please let me know and pardon my spelling mistakes😂❤️ As I get more into the story I'm just coming up with ideas as I go so if it doesn't seem as good as before I apologize LOL. The next few chapters should be longer I'm working on it!💚💚💚💚

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