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"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" Tony asked Rhodey sarcastically.

"Definitely weird" Rhodey replied back to Tony with the exact same sarcasm.

"Hear me out Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist... he is behind all of this." As Steve finished what he wanted Tony to believe him for, Black Panther jumped out of nowhere and landed gracefully.


"Your Highness"

"Anyways" Tony begun, walking around.

"Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago, can you help a brother out?" He asked, stopping on the other side of Rhodey.

"You're after the wrong guy" Steve said, hoping Tony would believe him.

"Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday"

"And there are five more super soldiers like him, including Christina. I can't let the doctor find them first. Tony, I can't" Steve said trying to convince Tony.

"Steve..." Natasha began talking, making Steve turn around to face her. By this time, Christina was already making her way with Bucky and Sam to go find a way around to get to the quinjet.

"Bucky, Sam. This is your stop" Christina said as they stopped at where they were meant to stay hidden under Steve's order.

"Alright Christina... stay safe" Bucky said pulling Christina in a hug.

"More like you guys stay safe and don't try to kill each other" With that she pulled away before running off away from them, in search to find another way to get to the quinjet. While Sam uses his redwing to search for the quinjet and direct Christina over there.

"You know what's about to happen... Do you really want to punch your way out of this one?" Natasha asked Steve seriously as he turned away to face Tony.

"Alright, I ran out of patience. UNDER RUSS!" Out of nowhere, a web sticks itself onto Steve's shield before taking it out of his grasp and then shooting another web to get his hand stuck together. Landing in front of him was a boy in a red and blue spider suit, carrying Steve's shield.

"Nice job kid" Tony complimented the boy in which he ended up talking for a while which made everything a little bit awkward as he also told Steve that he was a big fan of him.

"You've been busy" Steve calmly said, his hand still stuck together from Spiderman's web.

"And you've been a complete idiot!" Tony spat at Steve as he continued to ramble on.

"Dragging in Clint, rescuing Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, A SAFE PLACE! Not only that you took my daughter with you to help you hide your old war buddy who ALMOST KILLED HER RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers a part!" Tony finished his rant as Steve still calmly looked at his friend.

"You did that when you signed"

"Alright we're done... You are going to turn Barnes over and you are going to come with us! NOW! Because it's us!"

"And you are going to tell me where the hell is my daughter! She has nothing to do with this!"

"Tony... She does" Steve calmly said to Tony. Tony face turn from angry to a look of confusion.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? She got kidnapped by him and now you are saying she is a huge part of this!"

"The doctor wanted her too! That's why Bucky who was being brainwashed by him took Christina with him! She is the only one besides Bucky who knows about the other Winter Soldiers. She knew him before she escaped HYDRA." Steve explained which made Tony clicked things in placed. He just now realised why Christina would hide Bucky from the world and that's because she was one of them. Tony refusing to believe whatever Steve was saying and continue throwing his anger out.