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Christina sat between Steve and Sam as Sharon gave her speech about Peggy. She turned over to look at Steve staring sadly at a picture of Peggy beside her coffin. It broke her heart to see him so torn apart. He already had it rough; waking up 65 years later in the future to find the woman he loved was now married and had her own kids, thinking that he was the only one left from his time to be alive beside Peggy to only find out that Bucky was alive and then realising that Bucky had no memory of him. Steve turned his attention away from the picture of Peggy to stare at Sharon, who was still giving out her speech about Peggy.

"Even though the whole world is telling you to move; it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye and say to them..."

"No, you move." Sharon stared back at Steve while saying those words.

Christina looked down knowing that there is some sort of feelings between the two even though she knew that Steve had some mixed feelings about herself but shrugged it off as it will never become reality. After Sharon finished her speech, Christina noticed that Steve and Sharon shared a quick smile before turning away from each other. Knowing it was just a comforting gesture, she turned over to Steve and rubbed his knee seeing that he was a bit tensed up. He looked down at the gesture before smiling up at Christina.

He would never admit it to her or to anyone but he did have feelings for the younger girl. Remembering the times, when they both have shared a kiss or an intimate moment together such as during their mission in Sokovia when Wanda had mind control on Steve and the others beside Christina and Clint who were unaffected by it.

When the team were on the quinjet, flying to Clint's safehouse, majority of the team sat there quietly in their own mind. Steve was in a room by himself as he watched Christina rest on the bed, replaying the dream he had of Peggy and him. Watching him finally having a dance with her but suddenly she was replaced with Christina in the same outfit.

"What's wrong Steve?" Christina asked yet in her voice there was a hint of Peggy's voice asking the same question. It freaked the super soldier as he didn't know what was happening or to be even happy that he was finally dancing with his favourite girl yet Christina who he now had feelings for was standing there, waiting for him to do something.

Once out of it, he remembered Christina kneeling beside him with her hands around his head. Christina had cold sweat as she managed to get him out of the mind control, except it took a big toll on her. Seeing that he was in the quinjet floor, he looked around the room to see everyone else effected by the mind control.

"Are you okay Steve?" She asked, worried and tiredness lingered in her voice. Steve stared at the younger girl in confusion as she suddenly slipped into exhaustion and leaning her head down onto his shoulder as she fell asleep.

"Take her to the extra room" Steve turned around to see Tony nearby them as he looked at his adoptive daughter tiring herself out and collapsing onto the super soldier which he didn't like. Christina had used most of her power to get Natasha and Thor out of their mind control as well as Steve.

Steve lifting the tired girl effortlessly, walking her to the extra room. He laid her down on the bed as she shifted a bit in her sleep. Steve pulling a stool next to him, sat next to the younger girl and waited to see where they were headed.

After reaching to Clint's safehouse, Steve had finished taking a shower and Christina was up already making her way to the shower that Steve was using. Upon seeing him, Christina smiled at him, holding onto her toiletry necessities.

"You feeling better?" Steve asked, drying his hair with a white towel. Christina nodded, slightly looking away from him. She saw everything that he saw when he was being mind controlled, same as Thor and Natasha but she felt that Steve's dream shocked her the most since she was in it.