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Once back at the Avenger Facility, as soon as the car parked inside the underground parking lot, Christina felt a sudden wave of dark thoughts causing her to quickly have cold sweat. Steve noticing Christina was awfully quiet, he turned around and stared at the younger girl who was sightly shaking. Looking into her eyes, he noticed that instead of her usual purple eyes, her eyes seemed to be pitch black.

"Christina...?" He whispered as Sam turned off the engine and looked in the rear-view mirror to see what was wrong with the girl behind him. Christina shaking out of the dark thoughts to see Steve staring at her with worried filled eyes.

"Yeah? Sorry... I um just felt sick all of a sudden... I'm gonna head up first" She then excused herself out of the silver car and started making her way to the elevator before any of the men could even reply back to her.

"Do you think she saw a vision?" Sam asked Steve as Steve continue watching Christina leaning against the wall, waiting for the elevator to come before walking in it and the door closing, making the younger girl disappear.

"I don't think so... Her eyes would have been a very bright purple colour... but her eyes looked like it was almost pitch black...."

Quickly running out of the elevator, Christina stopped in front of Wanda's bedroom. Knocking furiously on her door, a confused Wanda opened the door to see a sickly pale Christina. Looking Christina's eyes, she noticed her eyes were pitch black.

"Come!" Wanda hurriedly pulled Christina inside her room and made sure to lock her door. Christina stumbled before falling onto the floor. Wanda yelped before setting herself down beside Christina.

"You need me to get inside!" She placed her hands on the back of Christina's head and placing her head onto her lap.

"H-how... long?" Somehow Christina was able to voice out her thoughts as Wanda used her powers to get inside Christina's mind.

"Maybe... maybe a few days..." Wanda whispered, fear within her voice as she was scared to lose Christina. What seemed like hours later, Christina was finally back to normal as Wanda managed to suppress the darkness power.

"It's like the darkness is its own being..." Wanda explained as she handed Christina a glass of water. She gladly accepted it and chugged it down.

"This is the first time that it has ever just appeared out of nowhere..." Christina stated, rubbing her temples with her free hand. Wanda sat down beside Christina and thought about it too.

"That is true. You have only used the darkness powers a few times correct?"

"Yes, and all of them had turned out like how it did just then..." Christina whispered, scratching the back of her neck, unsure of what to do now.

"It seemed like the more you suppress these powers... the more it becomes its own being... You need to somehow release all of these powers before...." Wanda trailed off as she felt scared again.

"Wanda... no one must know about this.... No one knows about these powers... only you because I accidentally used them with you for the first time a few months ago..."

"I understand... but you must be careful...." Christina turned around to face Wanda before giving her a hug. Wanda returned the hug, slightly sniffing as to not to cry.

"Thank you, I should go take a shower now" This made Wanda chuckled before Christina slipped out of Wanda's bedroom and made her way to her own.

Upon hearing about the bombing of the Vienna International Centre, Christina panicked inside her room upon seeing the news about Bucky being the terrorist who bombed it. Knowing full well that Bucky would never target the United Nations especially if he is hiding would be the last thing he would do. Picking up her phone that she contacts Bucky with, she traced his phone with her laptop to show that he is STILL in Bucharest from the last time she checked up on him.