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Quickly jumping out of the shower, Christina dried herself as fast as she could and then slipping on her uniform again. She didn't have a single weapon on her since the CIA took it all but at this point she couldn't care less. She has powers that Bucky doesn't have. You know what he has? A metal arm that Christina could easily melt it with her fire powers if she wanted to but she knew how the poor man got his arm cut off and didn't want him to have no arm again.

Christina ran out of the room she was in and quickly sense where Bucky was. Running even faster, she jumped down a level and rolled her landing before getting up and carefully hiding behind a wall where not too far from her was T'Challa fighting against Bucky who seemed so emotionless. Seeing that T'Challa was kicked off a few feet away from Bucky, Christina quickly stepped out from where she was hiding and stood about a few feet away from Bucky.

"учитель*" Christina shouted in Russian as everyone who was on the ground watched as Bucky turned around before looking straight at Christina. In recognition, Bucky in his Winter Soldier state remembered Christina when she was 14 years old.

"мой студент**" He replied back in Russian as he walked up to her like how he used to back when she was younger. She kept standing there, waiting for him to come closer. It was like she was reliving the times she was in the HYDRA base, having to train like she was a weapon just like how they brainwashed Bucky to become a weapon. 

"You are my new mission." Bucky then threw a punch towards Christina as she dodged it in surprise. She took a step back before trying to land a few hits at him. 

"Your new mission?" She asked before grabbing a hold of his metal arm and slightly increasing the temperature to make it hot enough for Bucky to scream before he landed a hit into her stomach. 

Christina quickly let go of his metal arm before grabbing his other arm and throwing him over her like he was a ragged doll. Bucky landed on his back and rolled into a table. He got up slightly feeling a bit angered. 

"It seems like you have certainly become more skilful" He growled before throwing a table towards her. Christina using her light power to create a whip of light energy and splitting the table in half. After returning the whip of light energy back into nothing, she stood up before charging at him again. 

"I'm not that 14 year old girl you trained back then. That was 10 years ago." Christina said smirking as she continued fighting her teacher before getting herself a head lock. She held onto his hand and tried to take loosen the grip he had on her.

"Gruzovoy vagon... ***" She choked saying his activation words backwards. Bucky tighten his lock on Christina's head as she continued trying to shout the next few words.


"Vozvrashcheniye na rodinu...*****" As she tried her best to stay awake, she started to see dark spots appearing within her vision.

"Christina!" Tony yelled as he watched his daughter being strangled by the man she tried to hide and save from the world.

"Go to sleep my student. Я не хотел причинять тебе боль. Но теперь вы - моя миссия******" He whispered before Christina slowly slipped into darkness as she had planned to do that in the first place. 

Tony watched on as Christina hand slipped out of Bucky's hold and onto her side limply. Bucky looked over his shoulder to Tony and smirked at him before lifting Christina in his arm as she was unconscious by now. 

Bucky walked up the flight of stairs as he still carried his old student in his arms. T'Challa followed Bucky up the stairs before punching him in the face. He kicked T'Challa away before placing his old student down on the ground to continue his fight with T'Challa. After fighting him, Bucky managed to kick T'Challa off the level they were on before picking up Christina in his arms and going back up the stairs quickly.