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"Sam is here?!" Christina shouted at Steve as he came beside her. She looked up in the sky as she saw Sam in his Falcon suit, flying around like a free bird that she wished Bucky could be right now.

"Of course he is" Steve replied back before seeing a helicopter shooting at the man in the black suit.

"Sam." Steve called out to Sam in the earpiece as he came flying beside the helicopter.

"Got him" Sam tucked in his wings before push kicking the helicopter's tail and then flying off. Following the man in the black suit, Steve sprinted ahead of Christina as she followed not so far behind him.

The sound of heavy footsteps alerted Black Panther as he took a glance behind him to see the Super Soldier and Elemental. Turning away, he pushed himself to sprint faster after the Winter Soldier who kept turning around to make sure he had a great distance between him and the Blank Panther. He eyed Christina who was starting to catch up with Steve but she seemed to look a bit pale.

Trying to push the thought out about his ex-student, he dodged the bullets of the helicopter before jumping down a hole and into a tunnel. Dodging few cars that were about to hit into him, he turned around quickly before the Black Panther could jump down after him.

"Christina!" Steve yelled as he turned to look at the girl behind him. She gave him a hand gesture for him to continue while dodging the bullets of the helicopter.

"I'm gonna go ahead and stop whoever that man is in the black suit from catching Bucky. Shoot the helicopter!" With that Steve jumped down into the tunnel and began his chase after the Blank Panther. Christina shook her head as she tried to suppress all the darkness consuming her before taking her collapsible bow out.

Creating a large electricity arrow, she aimed at the tail of the helicopter. Letting go of the string, the electricity arrow sparked before landing on the tail. Christine then continue to chase down the three men and jumping down the tunnel after them. Ahead of her was Steve who was too far away from her. Still running, she heard the sirens of what she assumed was either the police or the CIA. Quickly taking a glance behind, she saw a black SUV coming right behind her.

"Shit." She cursed, sprinting even more faster.

"Stand down!" She heard a man's voice within the car. Christina knew she couldn't keep running for long used her electricity power to transform into electricity thus moving within the power cords. Once she was far away from the car, she transformed out of it before continuing her run.

"Stand down!" Christina groaned as Steve was just a few feet away from her.

"How about no?" Steve looked behind him and saw her do the most reckless thing she could ever do. Jumping in front of the car and smashing the front windows with her bow.

"OUT!" She yelled, pulling her bow out of the window as the car came to a stop. Christina jumped down and opened the driver's door before throwing him out and driving off with the car. As soon as she was near Steve, Christina opened the driver's door for him.

"STEVE GET IN!" Steve turned around in time to see the door opening. Jumping in as Christina moved over to the passenger seat, she kicked down the broken front window, completely forgetting about it.

"Thanks for the lift. Much appreciated but I'm still mad at you." Steve thanked the girl beside him as she chuckled. Eventually they arrived next to the Black Panther not knowing he was planning to hitch a ride with them. Feeling the car shook from extra weight, Steve looked at the rear-view mirror and saw the man in the black suit.

"Looks like we picked up another passenger" Steve said before swerving the car.

"Steve! Hold the car still!" Christina shouted at him as she tried to steady herself. Pulling her bow out, she created a fire arrow aiming at the back window where the Black Panther is. Letting go of the arrow, the man quickly moved one of his arm to swing to the side before the arrow got to him.

"Shit!" Christina cursed which caused Steve to put his hand on the girl's thigh.

"Language young lady. Do you kiss Tony with that mouth?" He asked as she rolled her eyes.

"No but I kiss you with that mouth" Trying his best to ignore that last comment as he tried not to smile at the girl since he was still angry at her but got to admit, she does kiss him with that mouth of hers.

"Sam, I can't shake this guy off. Christina can't really use her arrows because I'm swerving around"

"Right behind" Sam replied, flying down and into the tunnel.

Seeing more of the black SUV and police cars following them. Steve bumped into one of the black SUV right next to them causing Christina to fall into Steve's side.

"You okay?" He asked as she rubbed her head. Before she could answer, she saw Bucky heading onto the other side of traffic.

"No but Bucky just went on the other side of traffic." Steve made a sharp turn to his left to go on the other side of traffic, following behind Bucky. Suddenly Bucky pushed a guy off his motorbike and driving off with it.

"I got to admit, that was kind of cool" Christina said as she was impressed, nodding to herself as Steve rolled his eyes, feeling a slight jealously for his best friend. Now going back onto the right side of traffic, Christina noticed the man in the black suit was now on top of the car.

"You aren't getting away..." She whispered seeing him jump onto the hood. Christina lunged forward using her bow to trip him making him hit his face onto the hood before kicking her right in the face. Bucky seeing the man kick Christina in the face, he felt angry and wanted to kill this guy for doing that to her. The Black Panther jumped off the hood of the car and lunged to Bucky.

"Ow...." Christina held her head as Steve watched ahead as Bucky caught the man by his neck before using the side of the tunnel to push the motorbike on its side. Bucky yelling in pain as he used his metal arm to hold himself and the motorbike up, he kicked off the man and pushed himself up right.

As Bucky was almost out of the tunnel, he turned around quickly almost moving his mouth to Christina. She tried to read his mine and only receive an apology. Christina couldn't understand why but as soon as she saw Bucky throw up a bomb on top of the tunnel, she felt her blood run cold.

"Christina!" Steve yelled, pulling her with him out of the car as the bomb exploded. Christina fell down as soon as she got out of the car but Steve continue to run and somehow, she managed to not get rolled on by the now damaged SUV. She continued to roll as rubble from the tunnel hit her before coming to the stop.

Finally looking towards where Steve, Bucky and the man in the black suit were, guns were all pointed towards them as she continues to lay there. Hearing a familiar sound, she looked up to see Rhodey dropping down and aiming his palm towards them.

"Stand down.... Right now" He sternly said. Rhodey looked around and noticed Bucky looking slightly over his shoulder to see how Christina was.

"Where's Christina?" Rhodey turned towards Steve as Sam came out of the tunnel with guns pointed at him. He looked down at Christina who was still heavily breathing and in pain. Sam quickly ran next to her and helped her up.

"Christina, are you okay?" Sam helped pull the girl up as she felt the darkness consuming her. Rhodey now turning to where Christina was, he saw how bad she looked from rolling on the road and getting hit by the rubble from the tunnel due to not coming out of the car fast enough.

"Congratulations Cap. You're a criminal now..." Rhodey stated before making his way to Christina and Sam. The men that were pointing their gun at Sam were now pointing their gun at Christina who was struggling to stay awake. One of the men grabbed Christina out of Sam's hold.

"Hey, Hey, HEY! DON'T TOUCH HER" He yelled before getting pushed with a gun onto his back. Christina feeling like she was gonna collapse saw Rhodey making his way to her.

"I will deal with her. Tony Stark wants me to take her back personally." He told the man who was man handling her. The man nodded before pushing Christina towards Rhodey. She stumbled a bit before looking at him.

"Christina... I'm disappointed in you... So is Tony... Now let's go" Rhodey then attached a hand cuff on her before taking hold of her hand. She quickly looked back at Steve and Bucky seeing them get arrested but then she noticed who the man was behind his mask.

"Your highness" Rhodey said before pulling Christina with him and taking her back where Tony and Natasha were.