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"How about the other recruit?" Steve asked waiting to see who this guy was that Sam was talking about.

"He's raring up to go" Clint said with sarcasm as he went to open the van's door.

"Had to put a little coffee in him" Once the van's door was opened, it revealed a man sleeping in the back who was then suddenly woken up by the door slamming open.

"But he should be good" The man got up and looked around his surrounding as Christina stepped a bit forward to get a good look at him.

"Hey... that's Scott Lang" She whispered seeing him on the news a few times for stealing or robbing the bank.

"What time zone is this?" He asked Clint while getting out of the car and stopping in front of Steve with wide eyes.

"Cap-Captain America" Scott greeted the man in front of him with star struck eyes. Steve shook his hand and Scott just kept shaking his hand like if he let go, it would be the end of it.

"Mr Lang"

"It's an honour" Still shaking hands.

"I'm shaking your hand too long" Christina looked over to Bucky who looked back at Christina thinking that this man is crazy.

"Wow, this is awesome.... Captain America. I know you, too! You're great!" He finally let go of Steve's hand and then pointed at Wanda who just awkwardly smiled back at him. Scott turned back around and stared at Steve's body before touching his arms with excitement.

"Geez... Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so..." He then looks over to Christina who is leaning against the car with Bucky beside her as Scott looks even more star struck.

"Is that... Christina Stark?" Scott pointed at Christina who smiled and waved at the man and he slowly lifted his hand and waved back at her. He then shook his head and continued what he was planning to say.

"Thanks for thinking of me" He finished off before pointing at Sam this time.

"Hey man"

"What's up, tic tac?"

"Uh, good to see you" Scott awkwardly said with an awkward smile too.

"Look what happened last time when I...." Before Scott could finish off what he was planning to say, Sam butted in.

"It was a great audition, but it'll never happen again" Christina wondering what happened, look inside Sam and Scott's mind before laughing out loud, making everyone turn their heads to her.

"No... don't tell you looked into my..." Sam said in desperation as Christina tried to stop laughing but now she was just clinging onto Bucky as she still kept on laughing about how Sam was defeated by a man who could shrink into the size of an ant. Bucky looked at everyone like he needed help which no one seemed to help him, not even Steve, who was staring at them with jealousy.

"They tell you what we're up against...?" Steve asked Scott as Christina's laughter died out and she contacted Wanda through their mind-link and shared the memory with her which resulted Wanda slightly laughing too but she was holding it better than Christina did.

"Something about some psycho assassins?"

"We're outside the law on this one... so if you come with us, you're a wanted man"

"Yeah... well, what else is new?" Scott said shrugging like this is all too similar for him.

"We should get moving" Bucky said finally getting Christina to stop laughing. She was leaning against the car, wiping a tear away from her eyes.