Chapter 21

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Iti's POV

so I'm currently sitting in the doctors office. Me and hayes are waiting on the doctor to tell me if I'm cleared. I'm praying to God he lets me do everything. Hayes has his hand in mine, resting it on my thigh. There's a knock on the door. My heart drops into my stomach. "Come in."  Hayes says, he smiles at me reassuringly. In walks my doctor. "Hey Infiniti, how're you feeling?" He asks. "Much better thank you" I say. "So I know there's no reason to waste time when I know what you want." He says, and I give him a pleading look. "You miss Infiniti, are clear to go back to all activities, but if you start to have pain anywhere I want you to come back and see me." He says. I jump up. "Thank you thank you thank you!!" I squeal hugging him. "You my dear are welcome" he says smiling. "You are free to go" he says. I look at hayes who's grinning at me. He stands up. "Thank you" hayes says to my doctor. "You're welcome mr Grier, good to see you feeling better as well" he says. Hayes smiles. "As long as she's doing better I'm doing great" he says. The doctor just smiles as hayes grabs my hand and we leave. "Come on hayes we can make it to practice!!" I say. He chuckles letting me drag him out of the doctor. Tomorrow's our last day of school!! God bless. Today's the last day of off season practice. Seeing as when we get back to practices it'll almost be football season. We hop in the car. Hayes heads towards the school. I take the time to take in hayes' appearance in as he drives. Ok so it's just a proven fact guys are like super hot when they're driving i don't even know what it is but mannnn. Apparently I've been staring cause he glances over at me and smiles. I pull my phone out. I go on sc. "damnnnn Grier when did you get so hot." I say while videoing him. He smiles at me and then sends me a wink. I caption it. "How did I get so lucky?❤️😍" and put it on my story. his hand on my thigh. "You're a beauty you know that?" He says not taking his eyes off of me. "Grier" I say. "Yes beautiful?" He asks. "I love you." I say looking into his eyes and biting my lip from nervousness. I've said it to him before but all in joking situations. He pulls the car over faster than I knew was humanly possible. He uses his hand that's on my thigh to unbuckle my seatbelt. "What're you do-" I get cut off by his lips. He pulls me closer. He pulls me onto his lap.  He deepens the kiss. I'm straddling him. I can only imagine what this looks like from anyone else. But for some reason I don't care. I run my fingers through his hair. "I love you beautiful" he says pulling away. I smile down at him. My hands still in his

 My hands still in his

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

hair. "I hate to interrupt this lovely moment I'm enjoying. A little too much" he says mumbling the last part. I smirk at him when I get what he's meaning. "But we're going to be late to practice" I say covering and finishing for him. I peck his lips and slid off of his lap. I sit in my seat and put my legs in his lap as he's driving.

 I sit in my seat and put my legs in his lap as he's driving

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.
Wait. She plays football?!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin