Chapter 33

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Roses Pov

I pushed past the bushes from my face and kept running. I didn't care about my  dress or that I had fell. I have to go. I have to keep running. There's not other way. This is my only way out.

I then see the clearing and I see the lake. I then saw someone tanned shirtless bathing. He turned around. Jack.

"Jack! JACK!", I hopped in the water and swam toward him. I then made it out into the middle but he wasn't there, "Jack? JACK!", I screamed to him to reappear to show his face to me.

I'll always watch over you Rose. I promise. He said to me swirling around in my head.

I then took a deep breath and went under water.


My lungs burned wanting to explode. My heart was racing and can't keep it up much a longer. My mind starts to fade and black out. The last thing I think of is my daughter. It's better for her this way. No parents= no burden. She can start her life anew. I'm sure Caitlin will take care of her for me. She will be an excellent mother one day. I then close my eyes and the world goes dark.

Jacks Pov

I swam away from Rose not wanting her to cling onto me to make it harder then it already is. I then saw her take her last breath and go under. I waited.. I waited. Until I knew what she was doing. Shit!

I swam over to her ungently and dived under water to fetch her. Her body was lymph when I bought her to the surface.

"Rose? ROSE! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!", I then stuck my two fingers down her throat so she could throw up some water. I then did mouth to mouth with her in the water, "come on", I tried, "COME ON!", I tried again.

"ROSE!", Caitlin screamed as she looked upon the water. She then immediately swam out to Rose. "Rose! Rose! ROSE!", she splashed water all around her and at me. She can't see me thou. I then watched as she did mouth to mouth on Rose as well. "It's not working. ITS NOT WORKING!", she sobbed a little bit. She then swam Roses body back to shore while I just sat and watched in the water.

She kept doing CPR to her for a couple of minutes till success. Rose coughed up water and Laura then laid her on her side. I just looked and smiled knowing that she is alright. Roses eyes then caught me. I just waved and smiled at her. It is the last time I will she her in a while. But we made it count. I then disappeared.

Roses Pov

Jack smiled and waved at me for his final goodbye. I know he pulled me up from the water. I know he started CPR before Caitlin arrived. I know he saved me once again. He then simply vanished into thin air.

This was his goodbye. This was our goodbye. Cause we know this would be the last time we would see each other for a very, very long time.

Making It Count (Titanic Rose fanfiction) part 1Where stories live. Discover now