Chapter 15

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Caitlin's Pov

I cradled Roses baby in my arms until I reached the hospital. There they striped me of her and Rose went straight into surgery to try and stop her from bleeding.

Rose was as white as ghost with only the colour red standing out. Her hair and the white sheets that now have her blood on them.

She laid there lifeless without moving. It felt like I was in the room where your loved ones are laid out on the table dead waiting for you to say your goodbyes, and then what you are going to do with the body. But not Rose. She's only 17. She's been through so much already and look how far she has come. She can't let go yet. She has a child now.

"Rose I know you can't hear me but.. You need to wake up. You have a beautiful beautiful baby waiting to see and meet you. And she's all you have from your family. And you know she won't have a father to dance or play around with. All she had is you. So please Rose. Please don't leave her behind", I cried to Rose. All I want now is for her to wake up.

Roses Pov

I awoke to Jack holding a baby in his arms. Our baby. He flicked his hair away to look at me with the eyes of an angel.

"She's beautiful Rose" , he looked down at our newborn daughter in his arms, "I'm proud of you", he then looked at me. My eyes began to cry, "no no hey hey hey", he comforted me trying to calm me down, "shhhhhhhhhh Rose. Your ok. Your alright", I then settled back down into his arms. I then wiped away my tears as Jack helped me before holding my chin and star gazing into my eyes. He the stroked my face, "oh Rose", he sounded disappointed. He then softy pecked my lips. But it turned into so much more then that. We were all over each other.

"Jack. Jack!", I tried to make him stop as much as I enjoyed it, "what about her", I gave him a point to the baby. His heart and body then softened and went lymph, "what are we going to call her?", I asked him. He then looked upon me and pushed out a curl out of my face.

"Only you know the answer to that question", he then slowly moved his lips and body on me.

"Josephine. After our song we always sung together", I pulled out saying. Jack then pulled out his famous smile.

"It's perfect", he then pounced up on me again. After a few minutes we then laid beside each other holding hands. We knew our time was almost up again. Our daughter then started to cry. Jack was immediately on the case rocking her back and forth talking to her like a natural.

"Can I hold her?", I asked. He then shook his head

"Cause you can't. This is all in your head Rose. Josephine is waiting for you right now to wake up"

"But then what about you then Jack? Where will you go?"

"I will always be here. I will always be apart of you Rose no matter what happens", he took my hand like he did on the raft, "I promise", he then kissed it. "Listen Rose. Make it count and never let go remember. I will always be here for you and Joe. I ain't going nowhere alright. I'm proud Rose. I'm very super proud of you. What you did, now this and raising our daughter. How could I not be proud of the women you are becoming to be? You have an amazing life Rose with Joe. Don't be afraid to love again Rose. Don't let anything hold you back. I love you forever. And.. And could you tell Josephine that I..", he started to stumble on his words holding back his tears like I am, "that I love her and that I'm sorry. I'm sorry I won't dance with her and to tell her what boys to date or not. I'm sorry i won't be there when he breaks her heart. Cause that will definitely break mine", he then broke down in tears thinking of all the things he would miss out on. I just hugged him with a few tears escaping from my eyelids. "I.. I.. I don't want to leave you two behind", he sulked into my chest, "I want to be done there with you", he argued like a child

"Shhhhhh it's ok Jack. I promise to take care of her. She only thing that links me back to you", he then cried more gripping me gown not wanting to leave. "Jack I love you with all my heart", he then looked up at me. With hid soggy wet red eyes and a damp face. "You'll always be my first love. You'll always be the first person that I've done everything with. You'll always be on my mind and in my heart. How could I never thank you enough. You gave me everything that I needed. And now because of you I can move on and raise our daughter Josephine.", we both just smiled at each other then we kissed.

"Rose promise me in another life that we will get married"

"Of course I wouldn't have it any other way", we both laughed and locked lips again. My eyes the closed as Jacks tongue entered my mouth.

I then woke up.

I tried not to move. My body was sore and tired all over. It feels like I have no downstairs area. I then saw I had no bump. It feels surreal to place my hands on my flat stomach that had existed before Titanic. I then remembered the baby, Josephine.

The nurse then came in and pulled the green curtain away. "DOCTOR! SHES AWAKE!", she called out across the room. The doctor then ran in as I tried not to move and remain still.

"Can I see her?" I quietly whispered to him like the wind. He then nodded as the nurse then fetched her. I then slowly positioned myself to sit up while the nurse entered with me and Jacks child.

"Here you are", she then slowly places her in my arms as I get to see her facial features. She's perfect.

"ROSE?!", Caitlin, Heidi, and Cathleen barged in, "oh thank god your awake. We thought we were going to lose you!"

"I will leave you ladies for a catchup talk. In a few minutes Nurse Willson will come over here and teach you how to breast feed", I then nodded as he closed the curtain. The girls then gathered around me and Josie.

"Awwwwww she's adorable Rose. She's perfect. Jack would be so proud", they all blurted out with excitement, "what are you going to name her?", Cathleen asked me.

"Josephine. Josephine Jacklyn Dawson", I replied with a smile with tears welling in my eyes looking at her. I then kiss her on the forehead as I just let my head hang there. "I love you so much. So so so much. I won't let any harm come to you. I'll never let go you. I made a promise to your daddy about that. And he loves you so much. So so much Josie that it kills him not to be here right now with us. But I know.. But I know that he's here right now because of you. Your my link to my Jack. And he would do anything to be us. But he can't. Cause he's already done that", I then kiss her again as I bring her head up to mine. I then cry in front of her and the girls.

"Oh it's ok Rose", they comforted me. I then looked back down to Josephine and stated crying all over again. They continued to calm me down till the nurse came in. Caitlin and Heidi were beside me talking me down while Cathy held Josephine.

"Now Miss Dawson", the nurse came in and pulled the blinds together to create a small room, "I will show you how to breast feed. Give her to me", she took Josephine off Cathy and handed her to me. "Now this might hurt a bit", Josephine then latched on to like a vampire sucking its blood for its victims. I winced in pain. It stung at first but then I got used to it. The girls all just watched on.

"Don't worry Rose, we all have to do what your doing now", I then smiled knowing how much Heidi would be complaining to her husband about how much pain she is in and it's all of his fault. She then pulled away and I wiped the remaining milk away from her small curved lips. She is perfect. I smiled at her in awe.

The girls then left about an hour after I had fed her. It was just me and her. No nurse or doctor came in and disturbed us. It was just us two.

"Come Josephine in my flying machine. And up she goes, up she goes", I singed to her as we laid side by side looking at each other. I stroked her head as she looked at me and sucked her thumb. I then cuddled her in my arms and we both fell asleep.

Making It Count (Titanic Rose fanfiction) part 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz