Chapter 25

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Roses Pov

Everyone I saw at this party I never wanted to see again. I never wanted to wear a corset again. I never wanted to be back here again. I never wanted to see Calendon again. But here I am. Again. Fml.

"So tell me young Rose, what have you been up to lately? Apparently you died on Titanic last time I saw you", and old wealthy lady named Margerette asked me. Honestly, how is this women still alive and breathing? She's 80 and is wearing corset and wearing dress much like us younger girls here. Plus how long has she been part of 1st class society? How is she still enjoying and thriving off this?

"I've been sick recently. After the Titanic I was diagnosed with mild hyperthermia. It made me remain in bed for many months on end. That's why I haven't been around much", I lied to all their faces. Cal then walked over, "excuse me", I left the group with Cal.

"You're a good liar", he held my arm.

"Almost as good as you", he then stopped and looked at me strangely. What the hell is going on?

"Ahhhhh Calendon", Samuel Brown broke the awkward silence between us and hugged Cal, "long time no see buddy", he said cheerfully.

"Likewise", Cal said awkwardly. As I stood there I saw a women I recognised straight away. Heidi. She was drinking champagne when she caught my eye. She then spotted me and waved me to come over.

"Excuse me. Pardon me", I squeezed my way through the crowd, "oh Heidi", I wrapped my arms around her.

"ROSE!", she hung onto me.

"What are you doing here?", I asked her. She then gave me a cheeky grin. Oh no. Nice work at choosing the camodo squad. "No No no no. What if Cal sees you?"

"Oh no he won't. Molly and Sam have got him covered", I then looked back to see Mrs Molly Brown dive in on the conversation with Cal and her son, "we need to go. Now", Heidi grabbed my arm and started pulling he out to the door.

"Rose where do you think you're going?", my mother asked me with a glass of wine in her hand.

"For some fresh air. With my friend..-", think of a good fake name. Think of a good fake name, "Samantha! She went to finishing school with me. But she left early", I lied to her face.

"Oh!", mother looked surprised, "how come you never finished dear?", come on Heidi give her a good answer.

"My father got a job in England. We relocated there before going on a tour of Europe. Before settling down in France", God that is a great fake story.

"Oh. How wonderful. I would love to go on a trip to Europe. I think it will gorgeous. Don't you think Rose.? Of course I better get a move on to go then, otherwise i'll waste away without seeing the countryside", She dramatically did over the top before leaving. Phew! Close call.

The closer and closer we got to the car the faster I began to run. We then immediately hopped in before it sped off quickly so no one could see me. The first minutes we were flying down trying to get as far away from that place as possible. I kept looking back to see if anyone was following us but no one was. Heidi did it! I'm free! I'm free. I'm free. I'M FREE!


"Heidi where are you taking me?", I asked her.

"To my house in the woods. No one will find you there. Now one knows it exists"

"What about Josephine? Will she be there?"

"In the morning the girls will bring her over and we'll discuss our next move", I then nod to her plan. We then pulled up to a wooden lodge in the middle of no where. Well at least Cal doesn't know I'm here. "Rose come on", Heidi flagged me out of the car as she tried to unlock the door.

"How did you even get and find this place?"

"Easy actually", she put the tea over the fire that she had made earlier, "it's my fathers, grand father, and great-grandfather hunting lodge. We always used to come up to these woods to hunt deer, rabbit that sort of stuff. Now it's mine. I had no brothers. Just grew up with men in my family. Well, since my mother died. Hunting just was waiting for me here", she then skulled her drink down. I then sipped mine, "you should get some rest. You look really tired", she then walked off into her bedroom while I sat by the fire sipping my hot cup of tea. I then finished and cleaned up before I got changed and went to bed.

Making It Count (Titanic Rose fanfiction) part 1Where stories live. Discover now