Chapter 19

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Cals Pov

The baby hasn't shut up all morning. When will Rose wake up and know that her child is dying of starvation from her being knocked out. Then the crying suddenly stopped. Was she dead? Was Rose up? I then went upstairs to investigate.

Roses Pov

My head pounded with thoughts. My body is weak all over. I then rubbed my eyes trying to get used to the lighting in this room. I then heard the cried if a baby, "Joe.. Joe.. Josephine", I then stumbled over to the cradle in the corner of my room. IT IS HER!

"Shhhhhhhh it's ok. Mommy here now. They ain't going to touch you." I then kissed my daughter forehead  as i tried to rock her back and forth to calm her down so I can feed her. I then sat on the bed and got my breast out for her. They are oozing milk and hurt so much. "OW!" I cried as she gripped on. I then held her head against me. She is soooooooo hungry. How long was I out for? I then took her off one boob and put her on the other. Then Cal walked in. He took one look and step in and walked out.

"Damit", I heard him say. I then placed Josephine on my second breast while I threw a sheet over feeding.

"You can come in now Cal", I called him checking up on Josephine. He then entered with his eyes closed.

"Tell me when to open them Rose", he tried to joke and play around with me. I then put a fake laugh and smile. He then just stood and stared at me and Josie. She then finished. I did up my dress and wiped the remaining milk from her mouth. I then stood up tried to get her back to sleep.

"Shes very beautiful Rose. She looks a lot like him", he said fastly knowing that he was afraid to admit it. He then took a few steps forward towards us. He then started to touch and stroke her face, "she's a very good baby", he then met my eyes saying don't you dare touch her. She's mine. He then backed away, "breakfast is downstairs when you are ready", he then left. And I have no other choice then other to put my daughter down and go downstairs.

"Are you going to eat at all Rose?", Cal asked while I stared at me food half dead and not knowing what's going on. "Rose?"

"Huh?", I looked at him suddenly. I then started to rub my face. "I need a coffee", I then tried to get up out of my chair and wondered into the kitchen. I then made myself a coffee the way I wanted it. I then returned back s few minuets later.


"Rose here is your new schedule. I aspect you to arrive on time and in fashion without the child", my mother handle me my piece of paper to abide by the rules and times.

"What? I can't leave her. She needs to be fed", I fought back at her.

"Well a maid will look after her",

"She doesn't need a maid. I'm her mother!", I raised my voice at her, "she needs and belongs to me! She doesn't need anyone else! Especially a maid to look after her while I can", I then stormed up to my room in a puff to Josephine.

I cradled her in my arms looking out the window to the world where we once were. "They want to take you away from me Josephine", I talked to her sharing my thoughts, "well not on my watch. I'm not going down without a fight. Dawson's never give up", I kissed her forehead, "and they never let go"

"Miss Rose", Lovejoy knocked on the door once before coming in. I then tried to hush Josephine down, "um Cal wishes to speak to you", he delivered his message then left us in peace.

"Mommy has to go now", I put her down stroking her forehead and placing a kiss, "you be a good brave girl for mommy", I kissed her again, "we will be back home soon I promised", I then kissed her a third time and I walked out. I then made my way to try and find Cal. I then found him in his office.

"Ah Rose", he cleaned his desk a bit for me.

"You wished to speak to me", I said

"Ah yes. Please take a seat", he then tapped his cigar, "so Rose. I wanted to speak to you about a certain topic that is a matter of interest. Dawson.", he looked at me coldly. He then got up and started to walk around, "now the baby. She is quite beautiful I must say. Much like her father. Jack", he paused not even looking at me, "I don't want to hear his name again Rose", he sat on top of the desk looking down at me, "or that child's father is him. He ruined us Rose. Your and his desires for each other. And look where that got yous. Him dead, leaving you alone with his child to raise by yourself", Cal said coldly, all I could do was stand there while he dissed the person I loved and the father of my child.  "Do you understand Rose? Do you understand what her and Jack can do to us both?"

"No. No I don't", I replied a minuet after what he said. He then straightened up.

"You you you don't understand? What part exactly?", he said stunned at my comment. All I could do was sit quietly and think.

"All of it. You want me to give up my child. You want to take her identity away and her father", I started to shake my head a him, "you want to take everything and everyone I love away from me. So that all I have is you. Well not on my watch. Dawson's never give up. And never give in to weasels like you", I then slammed the door and quickly ran to Josephine locking the door behind. I then picked her up and cradled her in my arms.

"Oh Josephine!", I cried to her, "oh Josephine what are we going to do? What are we going to do?", I wept to her with her tiny hands catching my tears, "he's not going to take you or your daddy away from me. I promise you. I promise you Josie. I promised your daddy that and now you. I'm not letting go of it", I then hushed her back to sleep. And I then took a nap like her. Before I was awoken to go downstairs and eat dinner.

Making It Count (Titanic Rose fanfiction) part 1Where stories live. Discover now