Bonus chapter 1

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Ok so I'm going to introduce bonus chapters this book.

This means that it is an extra scene. But don't worry! It still tries in perfectly with the story. This is kinda a look into all the chachters lives (Heidi, Catilin, and Cathleen and Chris). These chapters are basically about them and there lives. They are all centred around the story so this evolves around it.

I just thought it would be cool to do something like this. So here it is.

(And let me know what you think afterwards)

Ok this bonus chapter is about Cathleen


Bonus chapter 1

Cathleen's Pov

After Heidi went off to the party I also had to visit someone. As much as I hated it and her I had to. I have no other choice.

I walked around in the dark grey streets where mobs of people were lurking in the shadows behind me.  I can hear there voices blowing in the wind about me. Gossip.

The streets were empty, grey and dark. All their was, was rubbish laying around. To be exact; Newspapers that escaped from the bins, or rather tossed out in search of food here. I pressed on walking to my street and alley way.

"Is that you Catherine?", a voice I recognised asked me in the shadows around the dumpsters.

"Yes. Except I go by Cathleen now"

"My my, my favourite child. You've grown", she stepped out into the light. It was my mother. Her light blue eyes stared at me and checked me out. They were the only feature you recognised. The rest of her was black and dirty covered in suit and muck. Her clothes were dirty and broken. Ripped in some places. "Look at you! Haha!", she cuddled me. "Charlie! Jesse! Your older sister is here to see you", she called out to my half brother and sister, who are basterds born to both different men that my mum used to get money. "Look who came to visit us after all these years. Probably still robbing all the money of us that she's meant to give", I then handed my mother the bag and she snatched it. But then she had a hard look at my hand looking at my engagement ring that Christopher gave to me. "What's this?", she asked

"Let go of me", I order her. She just put a wicked smile on her face.

"Not until you answer the question. Catherine"

"I told you to let go!", I tried to force my way off her. I then fell backwards free from her grasp.

"Now tell me about this thing", she held my ring.

"Give it BACK!", I pounced on her.

"Not until you tell me what it is. What it's made for and who gave it to you", she teased me.

"Fine. It's a ring", I answered her first question.

"Oh I know it's that. What's it for and who gave it to you?", I then stood there silently, "ooooooooo keeping your mouth shut aye. Now there must be a special someone behind this ring", she continued to tease me, "come on. Why won't you tell your mummy about your own wedding?", she mocked in a voice. I then snatched the ring from her and slid it quickly in my wedding finger, "so the rumours are true then?", she said. I then went into my bodist and found the money in notes that I owe her.

Making It Count (Titanic Rose fanfiction) part 1Where stories live. Discover now