Chapter 28

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Roses Pov

*A week later*

Today was Cathleen and Christopher's wedding. They decided that they wanted it to be in front of a small waterfall. For minimum disruption with beauty.

I wore a simple white beaded dress like all the others. Cathy's wedding dress didn't differ much from ours. But she was amazing and stunning as usual.

I got Josephine dressed up in a pretty white dress for her. She is the ring bearer. I get to hold her as she tries to carry the rings on the pillow. She looks so cute and adorable. Her astonishing blue eyes and creamy white skin stand out so well. As well as the small headband that she is wearing with her light blonde hair, that looks like it's starting to curl.

We then started to walk down the grassy aisle. Chris's father was present as well as his best man. Chris didn't bother with his friends. He wanted this all to be about Cathy.

I stood beside the priest and watched the rest of the girls come down the soft aisle. While I tried to keep Josephine in an upright position. Then Cathleen tuned the corner and took our breath away. Everyone's jaws dropped opened and Chris's dad was the first one to break the trance while laughing about it. He knew his son choose the most the beautiful kind hearted girl. It was the perfect match.

"Do you Cathleen, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do", she responded with

"Do you Christopher take this women to be your lawfully wedded wife?",

"I do sir", they smiled looking into each other eyes. I then took a step forward and they each took a ring off Josephine and slid it in their fingers.

"By the power invested in me. I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride", we all then screamed as loud as we can when they kissed. Chris's dad then covered his ears. While Chris and Cath were smiling and laughing.

"I believe IT'S TIME TO PARTY!", his father called out, "IT'S TIME FOR SOME CHAMPAGNE PEOPLE!"

"YEAH!", we responded with walking out of the area to the cars. We then went to Chris's bar. There it was all decorated for the new married couple. Confetti was thrown everywhere and hooters going off, as well as many streamers thrown around. I went up stairs and put Josephine down so I could enjoy this party myself.

Making It Count (Titanic Rose fanfiction) part 1Where stories live. Discover now