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Normally, Sam would be greeted with a hug and a hello kiss, but not this time. She thought she didn't deserve it anyway.

A small glisten of gold light caught her attention. It was sitting on the bedside dresser. A heart shape with a little string. Her eyes widened as she noticed what it was... Her necklace! The one she crawled around on her hands and knees trying to find when it turned out it wasn't there at all.

The room was still silent. The two still hadn't said a word to eachother. Sam's stomach gurgled and churned. She thought it was guilt, but how wrong she was. Her mother hadn't been shopping for a few days so she was starving. Too afraid to go round Carly's apartment, she sat at home, clutching her stomach and drowning her sorrow into a pillow.

That was the exact same feeling she had experienced the first time they broke up. She remembered lying in bed and reaching for her phone to text Freddie. When she sat up and started to write a text to him, she had sudden memories of that night. Them breaking up. Admiting they loved eachother. Staying together until midnight, just for some time before going their separate ways. That was caused by guilt last time but this time, at least she had prepared herself for what it would be like without him.

The feeling slowly grew stronger as she looked down into her lap. Warm arms wrapped around her, causing her to go tense but gently relaxed as she got used to it. The two sat there, in eachother's arms, for about five minutes. Words still hadn't been said. But that meant no regrets would be made later.

As much as Sam wanted to ask Freddie what was wrong, she didn't want to end up with a waterfall of tears. She could never handle any of the relationship drama. When she broke up with Pete, she didn't cry at all. Same with Jonah. Why was Freddie an exception?

Before any words could've been said, Samantha dropped her head onto Freddie's lap. A few stray tears rolled down her face. For once in her life, she didn't care. The two could cry as much as they wanted. Who would care? Why would they care?

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