A goodbye message

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Honestly feels like the end of an era. I started writing this before I even knew what writing was aha just kind of joined some words together. And this story deserved an appropriate ending. Thank you for the continued support honestly - when I decided to rewrite this, never did I think that the votes and views and comments would keep on coming. That has meant the world to me truly. Rewriting this and discovering how much I have grown not only as a writer but as a person has been one heck of a journey and thank you for experiencing that with me. I hope you don't feel that the ending or any aspect is rushed aha I felt that that was a suitable place to end it and didn't want to drag it out any longer. But who knows - one day there could be a sequel...please nobody hold me to that aha.

Thank you again!! *sends hugs and love*

Seddie forever <333

-tilly x

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